Andreas Rekdal is a staff writer for Built in Chicago and was the communications assistant for Carnegie Council for the year of 2013. He holds a BA in philosophy and political science from Concordia College, and has written for The Huffington Post, Patheos, and Carnegie Council, as well as the Norwegian newspapers Studvest and Bergens Tidende.
Prior to his undergraduate studies, Rekdal served in the Norwegian Army's Military Police Company and NATO's International Police Company.
Featured Work

SEP 1, 2015 • Article
Ethics on Film: Discussion of "Schindler's List"
It's almost impossible to grasp the enormity of the Holocaust, and there's also the danger of regarding it as a one-time occurrence in the distant ...

DEC 19, 2013 • Article
Ethics on Film: Discussion of "Dirty Wars"
"Dirty Wars" chronicles the undeclared shadow wars fought across the globe in the name of American national security--as well as the highly secretive agencies who ...

OCT 21, 2013 • Article
Ethics on Film: Discussion of "Iron Man 3"
So what can a blockbuster movie about a superhero tell us about current American attitudes towards U.S. foreign policy, PTSD, racial stereotypes, the War ...

SEP 7, 2013 • Article
Ethics on Film: Discussion of "Fire in the Blood"
With the tagline "Medicine, Monopoly, Malice," this powerful documentary tells how Western drug companies fought to keep discounted AIDS medications from reaching HIV-positive citizens of ...

JUL 25, 2013 • Article
Book Review: Colored Cosmopolitanism: The Shared Struggle for Freedom in the United States and India
"South Asians and African Americans learned from each other in ways that not only advanced their respective struggles for freedom but helped define what freedom ...

APR 11, 2013 • Article
Years Later, Secular Student Group Recognized On A Religious Campus: Here's How It Happened
In order to be truly inclusive, interfaith dialogue and collaboration must also include those without faith.

MAR 11, 2013 • Article
Ethics on Film: Discussion of "Zero Dark Thirty"
A fictional adaptation of the CIA's hunt for Osama bin Laden, this blockbuster has reignited the debate surrounding the CIA's use of "enhanced interrogation techniques"...