David Rieff is a non-fiction writer and policy analyst. His books have focused on issues of immigration, international conflict, and humanitarianism.
Featured Work
MAY 13, 2005 • Podcast
Democracy and Armed Intervention: Conversation with David Rieff
David Rieff talks about how his views have changed on intervention.
MAY 13, 2005 • Transcript
Democracy and Armed Intervention: Conversation with David Rieff
David Rieff talks about how his views have changed on intervention.

MAY 4, 2005 • Transcript
At the Point of a Gun: Democratic Dreams and Armed Intervention
David Rieff tries to bridge the gap between our democratic dreams and the means we use to achieve them in tricky wars of humanitarian purpose.

OCT 2, 2002 • Transcript
A Bed for the Night: Humanitarianism in Crisis
Humanitaniarism is losing its traditional function of relief provision and is increasingly used for political purposes, often with disastrous consequences, warns David Rief.