Hernando de Soto is a Peruvian economist known for his work on the informal economy. He is founder and president of the Institute for Liberty and Democracy (ILD), headquartered in Lima, Peru. He has authored two works on economic development: The Other Path and The Mystery of Capital.
Featured Work
MAY 8, 2002 • Podcast
The Mystery of Capital: Interview with Hernando de Soto
Carnegie Council's Christian Barry follows up with Hernando de Soto on several of the issues he had raised in his Morgenthau Lecture, focusing on questions ...

MAY 8, 2002 • Article
Morgenthau Lectures (1981–2006): The Mystery of Capital
Economist De Soto's simple but revolutionary concept of the importance of property rights and rule of law is transforming developing countries around the world. He ...
MAY 8, 2002 • Transcript
The Mystery of Capital: Interview with Hernando de Soto
Carnegie Council's Christian Barry follows up with Hernando de Soto on several of the issues he had raised in his Morgenthau Lecture, focusing on questions ...
OCT 5, 1992 • Article
Privatization Project (1991–1994): The Role of Private Property in Development
"The word 'privatization' doesn't work when you're talking about the private rights of poor people. In my country the terminology's all wrong. It is associated ...