Joanne Bauer is a specialist in environmental issues, human rights, international policy and Asia. She is Senior Researcher and New York Representative for the Business & Human Rights Resource Centre, where she also manages a project on HIV/AIDS.
For over ten years Joanne Bauer was Director of Studies at the Carnegie Council, where she founded and directed the Council's Human Rights Initiative and its multi-year project on values and environmental politics. From 1991-1994, Bauer was director of the Council's Japan Programs. Prior to joining the Council, Bauer held research positions in media, government, and banking.
An Asia specialist, Bauer is co-editor, with Daniel A. Bell, of The East Asian Challenge for Human Rights (Cambridge University Press, 1999). From 1994-2005 she was the editor of the magazine Human Rights Dialogue and has published a number of articles and reviews on human rights and environmental topics. Her most recent book is Forging Environmentalism: Justice, Livelihood, and Contested Environments (M.E. Sharpe, 2006).
Featured Work
MAR 22, 2007 • Podcast
The Business and Human Rights Resource Centre and the Importance of Human Rights Policies
This talk was part of the event "Taking Stock of Business and Human Rights: Policies and Practices," cosponsored by the Business and Human Rights Resource ...
MAR 22, 2007 • Transcript
Taking Stock of Business and Human Rights: Policies and Practices
Christine Bader, Joanne Bauer, and David Schilling discuss corporate social responsibility.

SEP 13, 2006 • Podcast
Can Cultural Values Save the Environment?
Drawing from the book "Forging Environmentalism," which focuses on China, India, the United States, and Japan, a panel of experts discusses the social and cultural ...
SEP 13, 2006 • Transcript
Can Cultural Values Save the Environment?
Drawing from the book "Forging Environmentalism," which focuses on China, India, the United States, and Japan, a panel of experts discusses the social and cultural ...
OCT 26, 2004 • Podcast
The Marsh Arabs of Iraq: The Legacy of Saddam Hussein and an Agenda for Restoration and Justice
While Saddam Hussein's persecution of the Kurds is well known, few are aware that he drained Iraq's southern marshlands as part of a deliberate strategy ...
OCT 26, 2004 • Transcript
The Marsh Arabs of Iraq: The Legacy of Saddam Hussein and an Agenda for Restoration and Justice
While Saddam Hussein's persecution of the Kurds is well known, few are aware that he drained Iraq's southern marshlands as part of a deliberate strategy ...
SEP 23, 2004 • Transcript
Why Cultural Rights Now?
Stamatopoulou discusses the destructive trends facing the world's 370 million indigenous peoples, as outlined by the Human Development Report 2004, concluding that it will take more than ...

MAY 25, 2004 • Transcript
Musings on Swamps, Whales, and Rats
Robert Sullivan discusses his three latest books.
APR 26, 2004 • Article
Human Rights Dialogue (1994–2005): Series 2 No. 11 (Spring 2004): Environmental Rights: SECTION 2 THE CONFLICT BETWEEN RIGHTS AND ENVIRONMENTALISM: Commentary on "The conflict between rights and environmentalism"
The essays in this section vividly illustrate that certain specific efforts to protect the environment from the “bio-degenerative consequences of human action” can run ...

MAR 2, 2004 • Article
Feature Articles from Inprint Newsletter (2001–2004): Fighting for the Environment -- and Getting Democracy
"I [spoke] with a Chinese environmentalist who was a high school student at the time of Tiananmen. He said he had watched the democracy demonstrations ...