This program promoted research and dialogue on how societies reckon with difficult pasts and the process involved in reconciliation at a societal or political level.

JUL 13, 2005 • Transcript
Genocide and Aftermath: Rationalizing the Process of Truth and Reconciliation in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Transcript of a panel and commemorative event of the 10th anniversary of the massacre at Srebrenica, held at the Museum of Jewish Heritage, in collaboration ...
JUN 27, 2005 • Transcript
Ten Years after Srebrenica: Conversation with Haris Hromic
On June 27, 2005, almost exactly ten years after the Srebrenica massacres, CarnegieCouncil.org spoke to Haris Hromic about his pioneering work for the Academy of Bosnia ...
DEC 10, 2004 • Article
Countries Torn Over Baring Warts in History Texts
This "Education Week" article is about how countries struggle to come to terms with their pasts.
SEP 1, 2004 • Article
History Education and Reconciliation in Guatemala
Carnegie Council Fellow Elizabeth Oglesby investigates to what degree the findings of the Guatemalan Historical Clarification Commission [CEH], have been integrated into secondary school history ...
JUL 6, 2004 • Article
The Role of Reparations in Transition to Democracy
Much attention is paid to prosecutions implemented by countries transitioning to democracy--but little to their efforts toward reparations. Yet from the standpoint of the victims, ...

APR 29, 2004 • Transcript
Preserving the Past, the Impossible and Necessary Task
Alexander Stille discusses our complex relations to the past in today's age of rapid technological advances.
APR 5, 2004 • Article
The Uses of History: Reflections on the Fall of Yugoslavia
Distinguished sociologist Kai Erikson described his many journeys to the town of Pakrac, in the former Yugoslavia, beginning during the war in 1992, and the interviews ...
FEB 17, 2004 • Article
Historical Memory and the Building of Democracy in Iraq
Report of an 2/17/04 "Beyond History and Memory" seminar, a series cosponsored by the Council's History and the Politics of Reconciliation Program and Columbia University.

FEB 2, 2004 • Article
Desolation and Enlightenment--History or Memory?
The "desolation" of the 20th century--the total war of the two World Wars, the totalitarian regimes of both the right and left, and the Holocaust--has ...
SEP 3, 2003 • Article
The Burden of History: World War II Memory and Polish-Jewish Reconciliation
What role does history play in political reconciliation, and what role can historians play in public debates about the past? What can they contribute to ...