Dr. Ignatieff interviewed by Clarin in Argentina
Dr. Ignatieff interviewed by Clarin in Argentina

Human Rights Expert and Former Politician Michael Ignatieff Leads Ethical Dialogue in South America

Jun 5, 2013

To mark its Centennial in 2014, Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs has launched Ethics for a Connected World. This multifaceted three-year project will engage societies across the world in the quest for a global ethic—shared values with which to tackle problems that transcend national boundaries.

Given that global dialogue on ethical issues is already going on in thousands of places, how can Carnegie Council make a distinctive contribution?

Led by Centennial Chair Dr. Michael Ignatieff, Carnegie Council is meeting this challenge by setting up Global Ethical Dialogues. These Dialogues seek to find out what happens to ethical debate when:

  • We move the site of the dialogue out of New York and the West and conduct it in Latin America, Asia, the Middle East, and Africa.
  • We take seriously a commitment to equality of voice and equality of respect.
  • We accept that we cannot change the difficult history we may have with each other, we can only change our future together.
  • We seek not an outcome or a policy, but a method, a way of engaging, debating, working together, and building long-term networks of trust, across religions, cultures, histories, and races.

Global Ethical Dialogues kicks off in June with a two-week long study trip to Argentina, Uruguay, and Brazil. The focus will be corruption, the public trust and environmental issues, and will include meetings with government officials, lawyers, judges, scholars, and representatives from NGOs.

Dr. Ignatieff will give two public talks, with simultaneous translation. The topic is "The Ethics of Globalization and the Globalization of Ethics." They will take place as follows:

June 13, 6pm, Buenos Aires, Argentina, University of Buenos Aires Law School (Event details)

June 21, 5pm Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: Universidade Estácio de Sá - UNESA - Campus Menezes Cortes

The next Global Ethical Dialogues will be in the Balkans in 2014, and Asia and Africa in 2015.

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