
Media Mentions

JAN 24, 2021 News

Americans Fine With Paying More If Trading With Democracies, Not China

This article from "Forbes" explores the implications of Carnegie Council's U.S. Global Engagement report, where survey respondents said they want to avoid over-dependence on ...

JAN 20, 2021 News

On Digitization, Think Bigger, Mr. Prime Minister

Former Carnegie Council Senior Fellow Richard Katz outlines three ways in which Japan's Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga should expand his digitization campaign for "Tokyo Business ...

JAN 11, 2021 News

Newsweek: "An Economic and Humanitarian Win-Win: Using Jobs to Resettle Refugees"

In an op-ed for "Newsweek," Senior Fellow Michael Doyle argues that the Biden administration must leverage labor visas to help address the global refugee crisis.

JAN 2, 2021 News

Trump Was Right to Question the Carter Doctrine, Biden Should Too

President Biden's defense team should take a long, hard look at U.S. priorities and posture within the Middle East, writes U.S. Global Engagement ...

DEC 24, 2020 News

Why Americans Are Turning Inwards

In this article for "The National Interest," U.S. Global Engagement Senior Fellow Nikolas Gvosdev writes that the Biden administration should define an affirmative vision ...

DEC 14, 2020 News

How Perilous Is China’s Threat to the U.S.?

In a letter to the editor published in "The Wall Street Journal," U.S. Global Engagement Senior Fellow Tatiana Serafin argues that partnership with China, ...

OCT 20, 2020 News

Building More Ethical Organizations Begins At The Top

Jeff Thomson, CEO of the Institute of Management Accountants, outlines the important role senior leadership plays in establishing and maintaining trust in business in an ...

OCT 16, 2020 News

Global Translations: Taxing times as national deficits balloon

Carnegie Council's launch of "The Doorstep" podcast, which investigates and explains the local impact of global news and affairs, is announced in the "Global Translations" ...

MAY 13, 2019 News

America Needs Unity on China

Washington cannot afford to let rival powers divide America along partisan lines, writes Senior Fellow Devin Stewart and Global Ethics Fellow Alumnus Joshua Eisenman for "...

MAY 1, 2019 News

How the Census Changed America

The simple act of enumeration created data processing, led to the establishment of the National Archives, and rooted a rootless people, writes Carnegie-Uehiro Fellow Ted ...

Press Releases

UN flag

JUL 19, 2016 News

Joanne Myers Launches New Book Notes Series on PassBlue, a Publication that Covers the UN

"There is no one better placed to write this new column than Joanne Myers. We are delighted that she agreed to add to our coverage ...

Carnegie Climate Geoengineering Governance Project

JUL 7, 2016 News

Janos Pasztor Appointed Senior Fellow and Director of New Carnegie Climate Geoengineering Governance Project

Carnegie Council is pleased to announce the appointment of Janos Pasztor as senior fellow and director of the new Carnegie Climate Geoengineering Governance Project. In ...

June 2015 - The center of Sulaymaniyah in northeastern Iraqi Kurdistan. Chinese investors started to build up this region after Saddam Hussein lost power, but after the problems with Daesh (aka ISIS), almost all the investors have left.

JUL 5, 2016 News

Instagram Take-Over #8:Troy Enekvist, Impact of ISIS on Daily Life in Iraqi Kurdistan

For its eighth Instagram take-over by photographers from around the world, Carnegie Council presents work by Troy Enekvist, a Swedish freelance photojournalist who currently works ...

Courtesy of New York Times Athens Democracy Forum

JUN 28, 2016 News

Carnegie Council Is Media Partner for New York Times Athens Democracy Forum, September 14-18, 2016

The New York Times Athens Democracy Forum brings together politicians, policy-makers, journalists, scholars, and experts from the fields of business, finance, and technology to explore ...

Update on the Rule of Law for Human Rights in ASEAN: The Path to Integration

JUN 21, 2016 News

Just Out: "Update on the Rule of Law for Human Rights in ASEAN"

Carnegie Council Pacific Fellow Francis Tom Temprosa is the lead researcher for an important new report titled "Update on the Rule of Law for Human ...

Pacific Delegates 2016

JUN 17, 2016 News

Carnegie Council Asia Dialogues Program Appoints Pacific Delegates for Tokyo Fact-Finding Trip on Gender Issues

In November 2016, Carnegie Council's Asia Dialogues program is leading a week-long fact-finding trip to Tokyo on gender issues. Drawn from a variety of professional, regional, ...

JUN 17, 2016 News

Carnegie Council TV Show on ISIS with Michael Weiss Wins a Bronze in the 37th Annual Telly Awards

Carnegie Council has won a Bronze Telly Award for its Global Ethics Forum TV episode titled "ISIS: Inside the Army of Terror," an interview with ...

Ethics & International Affairs Summer 2016 Issue

JUN 14, 2016 News

Free for a Limited Time! "Ethics & International Affairs" Summer 2016 Issue

This issue includes an essay by John R. Emery on the humanitarian applications of drones; a roundtable on the role of human rights in the ...

The mangrove forest of the Sundarbans, which straddles the border between India and Bangladesh, was damaged by a huge oil spill in December 2014. CREDIT: Arati Kumar-Rao

JUN 6, 2016 News

Instagram Take-Over #7: Arati Kumar-Rao, Climate Change and South Asian Ecosystem

Due to climate change, a huge oil spill, and piracy, life is hard for the fisherfolk in the mangrove forests of the Sundarbans on the ...

Ourania S. Yancopoulos

MAY 16, 2016 News

Ourania S. Yancopoulos' Presentation on Gender Equality at UN Wins Council's Student Research Conference

Ms. Yancopoulos' presentation was titled "Gender Equality—and the Lack Thereof—in International Politics: An Evaluation of Gender Balance in the Leadership of the United ...

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