
Media Mentions

APR 8, 2019 News

Netanyahu’s Far-Right Partners Were Birthed by U.S. Terrorists

Senior Fellow Zach Dorfman writes for "Foreign Policy" about a Brooklyn-born militant's connections to the Netanyahu administration in Israel.

APR 6, 2019 News

The hate speech threat to the 2020 election

Online hate speech and fake news in the run-up to the next general election will make 2020 a dangerous year for Myanmar, writes Carnegie New Leader ...

APR 3, 2019 News

I Love Tokyo! A Professor Explores Nishi-Ogikubo

Pacific Fellow James Farrer appears in an NHK World-Japan television segment about the town of Nishi-Ogikubo and his research of neighbhorhood micro-culture.

MAR 29, 2019 News

ITT Special Report: Women in Power

The "In the Thick" podcast reports on a Carnegie New Leaders panel, co-organized by the Metro New York chapter of UN Women, on what the ...

MAR 18, 2019 News

As Trump escalates rhetoric, Iran's wartime preparations include terrorist attacks and assassinations

Senior Fellow Zach Dorfman writes for Yahoo News about Iran's covert strategies and how the reaction from the United States.

MAR 14, 2019 News

US and Saudi Arabia block geoengineering governance push

C2G2 Executive Director Janos Pasztor is quoted in a "Climate Home News" article about the United States and Saudi Arabia failing to agree to ...

MAR 6, 2019 News

Germany's New Political Divide

Senior Fellow Alexander Görlach writes for "The New York Times" about politics in Germany, as the Greens and the Liberals have gained in popularity, ...

MAR 5, 2019 News

Trump's North Korea summit failed because he doesn't understand what Kim Jong Un really wants

Senior Fellow Jeff McCausland writes for NBC News that the Hanoi Summit failed because of Trump's negotiating strategies.

MAR 1, 2019 News

Coherence and Comprehensiveness: An American Foreign Policy Imperative

Philip Caruso, World War I fellow and Pacific delegate, co-authors a Belfer Center paper with David Petraeus about the need for American foreign policy to ...

FEB 22, 2019 News

The Soviets wanted to infiltrate the Reagan camp. So, the CIA recruited a businessman to bait them.

Senior Fellow Zach Dorfman writes in Yahoo News about a CIA plot to infilitrate a group of Soviet businessmen in the 1980s.

Press Releases

Religion, Public Policy and Social Transformation in Southeast Asia: Managing Religious Diversity

MAY 3, 2016 News

New Edited Volume, "Religion, Public Policy and Social Transformation in Southeast Asia"

Carnegie Council's Pacific Fellow Dr. Dicky Sofjan is the editor of the new volume, "Religion, Public Policy and Social Transformation in Southeast Asia: Managing Religious ...

After a harrowing journey over the sea, this young boy throws his inner tube back to the ocean. He conquered it. He survived. This is one victory of many which still need to come in order to find a safe home in Europe. CREDIT: Tyson Sadler

MAY 2, 2016 News

Instagram Take-Over #6: Tyson Sadler, Refugees Trapped in Greece

The Greek island of Lesbos is one of the main landing points for people making the dangerous journey across the Aegean Sea. The photographs of ...

CREDIT: Gusta Johnson. Discussants, L to R: Peter Kwong, Henry Chang, Jiayang Fan, and Kavitha Rajagopalan

APR 26, 2016 News

Carnegie Council Announces the Appointment of Six Pacific Fellows

Carnegie Council is pleased to announce the appointment of six Pacific Fellows based in Japan, Indonesia, and the Philippines. The fellowship is part of Carnegie ...

Musa, pictured here during Arabic lessons, fled Darfur at the onset of the war in 2002. While his family headed to the refugee camps in neighbouring Chad, where they remain to this day, he began the journey to Europe. He has not seen them since.

APR 4, 2016 News

Instagram Take-Over #5: Rob Pinney, "The Jungle" Migrant Camp, Calais

For its fifth Instagram take-over by photographers from around the world, Carnegie Council presents photos by Rob Pinney. For the past six months he has ...

CREDIT: Gusta Johnson. Discussants, L to R: Peter Kwong, Henry Chang, Jiayang Fan, and Kavitha Rajagopalan

MAR 22, 2016 News

Carnegie Council Announces Grant from Henry Luce Foundation for Asia Dialogues Program

Carnegie Council's new Asia Dialogues Program and its project "Building Pacific Communities" aims to advance ethical inquiry within Asia and the United States. The goal ...

Ethics & International Affairs 30th Anniversary

MAR 15, 2016 News

"Ethics & International Affairs" Celebrates its 30th Anniversary

As "Ethics & International Affairs" journal celebrates its 30th anniversary, it is more committed than ever to encouraging reflection, advancing scholarship, fostering respectful debate, and offering ...

"Ethics & International Affairs" Spring Issue

MAR 11, 2016 News

Free for a Limited Time! "Ethics & International Affairs" Spring 2016 Issue

This issue includes: Amitai Etzioni on national sovereignty; a roundtable on the relationship between Hans Morgenthau and America; Patti Tamara Lenard on revocation of citizenship ...

A migrant family from South Sudan walking in a sunflower field in Idomeni, a crossing point between Greece and Macedonia (FYROM) where roughly 400 migrants per day wait for a chance to cross the bord

MAR 10, 2016 News

Instagram Take-Over #4: Rena Effendi; Migrants, Greek-Macedonian (FYROM) Border

For its fourth Instagram take-over by photographers from around the world, Carnegie Council presents Rena Effendi's moving photos of migrants along the Greek-Macedonian (FYROM) border. ...

Global Ethics Day. CREDIT. Shutterstock

MAR 7, 2016 News

Carnegie Council Announces Global Ethics Day, October 19, 2016

It's the third annual Global Ethics Day! Why not use this day to hold an event exploring the role of ethics in international affairs? In ...

Photo by Massimo Valiani. (CC)

FEB 23, 2016 News

Calls to Action: Winners of the 2015 International Student/Teacher Essay Contest, "Goals for a Better World"

Carnegie Council congratulates the winners of its essay contest on one of three selected Sustainable Development Goals: gender equality, combating climate change, or making cities ...

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