
Media Mentions

NOV 18, 2018 News

Machine-Learning, Climate Change, and Disaster Management in the Philippines

Carnegie Council Pacific Delegate Chetan Peddada writes for "The Diplomat" about the Asia Dialgoues trip to the Philippines, led by Senior Fellow Devin Stewart, to ...

NOV 16, 2018 News

Die Wahnsinnsmethode

German policy journal "Internationale Politik und Gesellschaft" translated Senior Fellow Devin Stewart's October 2018 War on the Rocks commentary on Donald Trump's sense of humor and ...

NOV 11, 2018 News

China wants a new world order. At the U.N., NGOs secretly paid cash to promote Beijing’s vision.

In this Yahoo News article, Carnegie Council Senior Fellow Zach Dorfman, Bethany Allen-Ebrahimian, and Nick McKenzie report on the indictmnent of Hong Kong official Patrick ...

NOV 10, 2018 News

The War That Never Ended

World War I officially concluded a century ago. But its aftershocks reverberate even today, writes Carnegie-Uehiro Fellow Ted Widmer in this "New York Times" opinion ...

NOV 2, 2018 News

The CIA's communications suffered a catastrophic compromise. It started in Iran.

In this Yahoo News article, Carnegie Council Senior Fellow Zach Dorfman and Jenna McClaughlin report on the CIA's 2013 covert communications system breakdown.

NOV 1, 2018 News

Carnegie Focus on N.I.

"Irish America" highlighted the International Seminar on Wellbeing in Northern Ireland, co-sponsored by Carnegie UK Trust and Carnegie Council, on October 8 in New York.

OCT 16, 2018 News

I Asked 20 Successful Leaders What 'Ethics' Means To Them

In honor of Global Ethics Day, which was created by Carnegie Council, Forbes' Bruce Weisntein asks business leaders what "ethics" means to them.

OCT 11, 2018 News

Trump and the End of Smugness

In this "War on the Rocks" commentary, Senior Fellow Devin Stewart analyzes Trump's sense of humor and foreign policy record and the media's reaction.

SEP 27, 2018 News

U.S., China trade war makes ASEAN nervous, Singapore official says

Senior Fellow Devin Stewart is quoted in this UPI article about the China-U.S. trade war and its possible effects on Singapore.

AUG 27, 2018 News

Opinion: Pope Francis and the Catholic Church's moral bankruptcy

Pope Francis' visit to Ireland was already dominated by an abuse scandal, but the latest blow to the pontiff might prove fatal. For German broadcaster ...

Press Releases

Mission Critical: Unlocking the Value of Veterans in the Workforce

NOV 11, 2015 News

Carnegie Council Applauds new Book, "Mission Critical: Unlocking the Value of Veterans in the Workforce"

Companies are using up to 30 percent of recruiting budgets to source and hire veterans, yet a new study finds that, despite their valuable skill sets, ...

Ethics and Statecraft: The Moral Dimension of International Affairs, 3rd Edition: Detail from book cover

OCT 30, 2015 News

Carnegie Council Celebrates Third Edition of "Ethics and Statecraft: The Moral Dimension of International Affairs," October 2015

This collection of essays uses challenging cases from modern history to illuminate the most pressing moral question facing decision-makers today: how to reconcile competing claims ...

Carnegie Council Fellows Conference

OCT 14, 2015 News

Carnegie Council Fellows, Fall 2015 Update

Through our network of distinguished Fellows around the world, Carnegie Council continues to enlarge the audience for the simple but powerful message that ethics matter, ...

Ted Widmer

OCT 7, 2015 News

Carnegie Council Appoints Historian Ted Widmer as Senior Fellow

"Ted Widmer is a source of ideas and inspiration, connecting scholarship on American history to current events," says Carnegie Council President Joel Rosenthal. Over the ...

Beyond Individualism: The Challenge of Inclusive Communities

SEP 30, 2015 News

Carnegie Council Announces the Publication of "Beyond Individualism: The Challenge of Inclusive Communities" by Senior Fellow George Rupp

In his latest book, Carnegie Council Senior Fellow George Rupp pushes modern individualism beyond its foundational beliefs to recognize the place of communal practice in ...

Eurasianism and the European Far Right: Reshaping the Europe–Russia Relationship

SEP 30, 2015 News

Carnegie Council Announces the Publication of "Eurasianism and the European Far Right: Reshaping the Europe–Russia Relationship"

Carnegie Council is pleased to announce the publication of Eurasianism and the European Far Right, which marks the culmination of an intensive, two-year project spearheaded ...

SEP 11, 2015 News

Free for a Limited Time! "Ethics & International Affairs" Fall 2015 Issue

"Ethics & International Affairs" fall 2015 issue includes: Richard Goldstone on global ethical standards for international judges; a book symposium on Michael Blake's "Justice and Foreign Policy," ...

AUG 14, 2015 News

Carnegie Council Launches New Education Section on

Just in time for the school year, we present our new education section, consisting of texts and multimedia materials specially selected for high school and ...

Off the beaten path. CREDIT: Chris Ford

AUG 6, 2015 News

Calling Students & Teachers: International Essay & Photo Contests, Deadline Jan 5, 2016

Carnegie Council announces its two annual international contests. The essay contest asks contestants to write about ways to achieve one of three selected Sustainable Development ...

Photo by Massimo Valiani. (CC)

AUG 5, 2015 News

International Student/Teacher Essay Contest, 2015: Goals for a Better World

Focusing on one of the following SDGs, propose specific measures for your country (or region or city) to reach the goal's objectives in the next 15 ...

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