
Media Mentions

JUN 21, 2018 News

SAIS Magazine Summer 2018 - Alumni Life

SAIS Magazine highlights Carnegie Council Senior Fellow Devin Stewart's Pacific Delegates trip to Indonesia in Fall 2017.

MAY 30, 2018 News

Comment le FN est devenu si pro-russe

This article in the French edition of "Slate" on how France's National Front became pro-Russian is by Nicolas Lebourg, as part of Carnegie Council's "Russian ...

MAY 29, 2018 News

La Russie, terre promise de l’extrême droite française ?

This op-ed in on the rise of the right in France by Nicolas Lebourg is part of Carnegie Council's "Russian Soft Power in ...

MAY 27, 2018 News

The Mysterious Tale of a Powerful American Businessman, Three Sanctioned Iranians and an Imprisonment in Tehran

Carnegie Council Senior Fellow Zach Dorfman writes an investigative article for Politico on Iranian sanctions evasion.

MAY 12, 2018 News

In Europe and the US, Will Young People Prolong Populism’s Appeal?

This article on PassBlue from Carnegie Council Trustee Barbara Crossette highlights a recent talk by Yascha Mounk from Joanne Myers' Public Affairs program.

MAY 11, 2018 News

WW1 Centennial News Podcast: Highlights - Scouts, Planes and Sculptors

On WW1 Centennial News' weekly podcast, Carnegie Council Senior Fellow Reed Bonadonna is interviewed about his Living Legacy of WWI fellowship and podcast series.

APR 7, 2018 News

Rules to govern sun-dimming technology 'urgently' needed: expert

C2G2 Executive Director Janos Pasztor tells Reuters that an open, inclusive discussion on how the world will research and govern solar geoengineering is "urgently" ...

MAR 29, 2018 News

The Disappeared

In Foreign Policy, Carnegie Council Senior Fellow Zach Dorfman writes that China's global kidnapping campaign has gone on for years. It may now be reaching ...

MAR 26, 2018 News

Will the world ever be ready for solar geoengineering?

Many object to shielding the planet from the sun's rays by injecting particles into the atmosphere, but a small band of researchers think the approach ...

MAR 1, 2018 News

Entering a New Era: The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Politics, the Economy and Society

Carnengie Council Senior Fellow Alexander Görlach interviews thought-leaders on the impacts of artificial intelligence on society for Vodafone Institute for Society and Communications.

Press Releases

Mosaic. CREDIT: Ali Harrison

FEB 9, 2015 News

Global Ethics Day, October 16, 2015

We invite academic institutions around the world to use this day to hold events, such as lectures, film screenings, debates, panel discussions, or another educational ...

Passing Clouds in a New South Wales Sky. Tony Hammond

FEB 4, 2015 News

Get Inspired! Winners of the 2014 International Student/Teacher Essay Contest, "Imagining a Better Future"

Carnegie Council congratulates the winners of this annual essay contest: two from South Korea, and one each from Australia, Nigeria, Singapore, and the United States. ...

Ethics & International Affairs Journal

DEC 16, 2014 News

"Ethics & International Affairs" Winter 2014 Issue

This issue's topics include torture, U.S. security policy, and norm death; "cultures of humanitarianism" in East Asia; an international crimes approach to preventing mass ...

International Student Photo Contest

NOV 10, 2014 News

Winners of the 2014 International Student Photo Contest, Fairness and Its Opposite

Carnegie Council congratulates the winners of the 2014 International Student Photo Contest, "Fairness and Its Opposite." The theme is deliberately very broad, and the judges were ...

Robert J. Myers

NOV 6, 2014 News

Carnegie Council Announces Establishment of the Robert J. Myers Fellows Fund

In memory of former Carnegie Council president Robert Myers, the Myers Family has established the Robert J. Myers Fellows Fund to sponsor and promote activities ...

Ethics & International Affairs Journal

NOV 6, 2014 News

Free for a Limited Time! New E-Book Publication, "Ethics for a Connected World: The Carnegie Council Centennial Roundtables"

This publication is a special collection of seven roundtables in honor of the Carnegie Council Centennial. They explore the concept of a global ethic; the ...

Connected Earth Anton Balazh/Shutterstock

OCT 10, 2014 News

Carnegie Council Timeline: The First Hundred Years

In honor of its Centennial, Carnegie Council presents an online history timeline, based on the book "Toward Peace with Justice" by Kate Hallgren. Like the ...

Photo: World Bank Aerial View of Bhutan. CREDIT: <a href="">World Bank </a>

OCT 10, 2014 News

Carnegie Council Presents the Ethics Fellows for the Future 2014 Essay Collection

This new booklet is a collection of the Ethics Fellows for the Futures' essays and project outlines, as well as the winning essay of Carnegie ...

Untitled #17 (Pier) 22x30in Watercolor and Pencil on Paper 2014 by Tyler Bewley

SEP 18, 2014 News

Climate Change Roundtable, Free for a Limited Time!

Just in time for the UN Climate Summit on September 23, don't miss the new roundtable from the Fall 2014 issue of "Ethics & International Affairs," "The Facts, ...

"Ethics & International Affairs" Fall 2014 Issue

SEP 8, 2014 News

"Ethics & International Affairs" Fall 2014 Issue

This issue features an essay by Mark Osiel on identifying the perpetrators of atrocity crimes; a centennial roundtable on climate change featuring Stephen M. Gardiner, ...

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