
Media Mentions

JUN 12, 2014 News

David Speedie: Scottish Independence – A View From America

Carnegie Council Senior Fellow David Speedie argues in "The Scotsman" that Scotland should vote for independence to escape the "disproportionate and destabilizing influence" of London ...

MAY 8, 2014 News

Turkey Has Its Role to Play as a Regional Power

Carnegie Council President Joel Rosenthal discusses Turkey, the Balkans and the Council's upcoming trip to Sarajevo in 2014 to commemorate the assassination that led to the ...

MAY 7, 2014 News

I geni asiatici (The Asian Genes)

Carnegie Council Senior Fellow Devin Stewart's research on Japan is mentioned in an article in Italian newspaper "Il Foglio."

MAY 7, 2014 News

OECD: Aussies Still the Happiest

Carnegie Council Senior Fellow Devin Stewart comments in "The Diplomat", explaining why the PPP measure of GDP is not the best method of determining happiness ...

MAY 2, 2014 News

How Far Will the Ukrainian Government Go to Reclaim Control of the East?

Carnegie Council Senior Fellow David Speedie was featured as an on-air guest with a panel of experts to discuss the current political and military situation ...

MAY 1, 2014 News

Japan's Change Generation

Senior program director and senior fellow Devin Stewart's piece on gender equality in Japan was featured in "Foreign Affairs."

APR 24, 2014 News

'Womenomics' Marks Social Shift in Tradition-Bound Japan

Carnegie Council Senior Fellow Devin Stewart spoke with "The Diplomat" on the prospects of 'Womenomics' and changes in Japan's social attitudes.

APR 23, 2014 News

Obama Lands in Tokyo for the First U.S. State Visit in 18 Years

Carnegie Council Senior Fellow Devin Stewart is referenced in this "Global Post" article that lists how Japan has changed since the last State visit by ...

APR 20, 2014 News

Monash Researcher Kamala Kanta Dash joins Sri Sri University's Public Policy and Governance Programme

Carnegie New Leader Kamala Dash has joined the faculty of the public policy and governance programme at Sri Sri University in India.

APR 15, 2014 News

Ukraine Launches Operation Against Pro-Russian Forces

Carnegie Council Senior Fellow and CBS military analyst Colonel Jeff McCausland (ret.) discusses the current military and political situation in Ukraine.

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