
Media Mentions

FEB 18, 2014 News

Book Review: 'The Leading Indicators,' by Zachary Karabell

Joseph Sternberg, editorial-page writer for "The Wall Street Journal Asia," reviews Zachary Karabell's latest book.

FEB 14, 2014 News

The Refiner's Fire

Op-ed columnist David Brooks reviews Michael Ignatieff's book "Fire and Ashes: Success and Failure in Politics."

JAN 21, 2014 News

A Philosopher at Davos

In this piece for the "Huffington Post," Carnegie Council Uehiro Senior Fellow, David Rodin, reflects on his experience at the World Economic Forum that took ...

JAN 14, 2014 News

Asafa Powell May Be Guilty of Doping But He's Also a Victim

In an essay on "The Conversation" website, Global Ethics Fellow Julian Savulescu discusses the Asafa Powell doping case. Savulescu urges us to rethink the ethics ...

DEC 22, 2013 News

Crowd-Sourcing American Foreign Policy

Duke professor and Carnegie Council trustee Bruce Jentleson taught a MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) on 21st century American foreign policy. In this article in "...

DEC 20, 2013 News

Under Stephen Harper, Trade Policy Is Strong Because Foreign Policy Is Weak

Under Prime Minister Stephen Harper, Canada has let its foreign policy atrophy, with the notable exception of trade policy, argues Global Ethics Fellow Roland Paris ...

DEC 18, 2013 News

Rationalise Election Funding, to Get out of a Vicious Circle!

India's unrealistically low official limits on campaign expenditures breed corruption, argues Global Ethics Fellow Rajeev Gowda in this piece for "Citizen Matters Bangalore." Since real ...

DEC 9, 2013 News

Ill Fares the Invisible Hand

According to census data from 2012, there are 46.5 million Americans currently living in poverty. That is more than one in seven Americans, or roughly 15 percent of ...

DEC 7, 2013 News

Nelson Mandela--a Man Who Was Free Even in Prison

In this essay, Global Ethics Fellow Rajeev Gowda reflects on Nelson Mandela's life and message, and how Mandela holds a special place in the hears ...

NOV 25, 2013 News

Savulescu: Many Performance Enhancing Drugs are Legal

Global Ethics Fellow Julian Savulescu appeared on BBC's "HARDtalk" to discuss performance enhancing drugs in sports. Since current rules are arbitrary and unenforceable, he argues, ...

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