
Media Mentions

SEP 19, 2013 News

Deciding When to Use Force for Humane Reasons

Following Centennial Chair Michael Ignatieff's op-ed in the "New York Times" on what he terms "the duty to protect" civilians in Syria, the "Times" published ...

SEP 14, 2013 News

The Duty to Protect, Still Urgent

"In the future, the Security Council may be deadlocked about intervening, and presidents and prime ministers will have to turn instead to their people for ...

SEP 13, 2013 News

How to Save the Syrians

"Keeping open the threat of a limited, targeted strike on Assad, while negotiations over the chemical weapons program continue, is essential both for reaching a ...

SEP 11, 2013 News

What to Remember in Syria from Iraq’s Sectarian War

In this piece for "The Washington Post" on U.S. plans to intervene in Syria, Global Ethics Fellow Jocelyne Cesari warns that "like in Iraq, ...

SEP 10, 2013 News

2020 Olympics: A Fourth Arrow for Abenomics?

"The Diplomat" quotes senior fellow Devin Stewart at length when discussing the significance of Japan's successful bid to host the 2020 Olympics. Stewart argues that "[Japanese ...

SEP 8, 2013 News

Arise TV: Review, September 08

Senior fellow David Speedie appeared on "Arise Review" to discuss the developing crisis in Syria, as well as efforts to garner support for a limited ...

SEP 6, 2013 News

Guantanamo Ethics

Senior fellow Jeffrey McCausland is featured in a "PBS Religion & Ethics Newsweekly" segment that discusses some of the ethical issues surrounding the continued use of ...

SEP 6, 2013 News

Rise Above Selfishness: Get Involved in Syria

"As America debates the pros and cons of U.S. assistance to the people of Syria ... we would do well to remember what we owe ...

SEP 4, 2013 News

Book Review: "Semi-Presidentialism: Sub-Types and Democratic Performance"

In this review of Robert Elgie's latest book—which examines why some semi-presidential democracies perform better than others—grants manager Mladen Joksic argues that while ...

SEP 4, 2013 News

US Did Intervene in Iran-Iraq War

In this letter to the editor published in the "Financial Times," senior fellow and program director David Speedie reminds us that U.S. officials turned ...

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