
Media Mentions

AUG 30, 2013 News

Seven Reasons U.S. Intervention in Syria is a Bad Idea

In this opinion piece adapted for "The Christian Science Monitor," senior fellow and program director David Speedie argues that the view that the U.S. ...

AUG 29, 2013 News

Remilitarizing Japan

Senior fellow Devin Stewart appeared on Huffington Post Live to discuss whether increased militarism in Japan warrants concern for the future. This topic has gotten ...

JUL 26, 2013 News

Egypt Post Morsi: Why There Is No Reason to Hope for a Real Democratic Transition

"The army is currently using the protests against Morsi to their benefit as they did in 2011 with the protests against Mubarak.... The only way out ... ...

JUL 25, 2013 News

New Book by Harvard's Islam in the West Scholar, Jocelyne Cesari

Harvard University issued a press release for the book "Why the West Fears Islam: An Exploration of Muslims in Liberal Democracies" by Jocelyne Cesari, Global ...

JUL 23, 2013 News

Now That Abe Won Control of the Government, the True Test of Abenomics Begins

In this piece for "Quartz," senior program director Devin Stewart discusses Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, and his economic reforms known as "Abenomics." Can Abenomics ...

JUL 18, 2013 News

Humanity's Four Challenges

The piece "Humanity's Four Challenges," by Grand Mufti Mustafa Ceric of Bosnia-Herzegovina, was featured in the "Huffington Post." This was co-produced by Carnegie Council as ...

JUL 16, 2013 News

Capitalism as Our Greatest Hope

"What I'm hoping is that we as Americans, and people in other countries, too, can think more clearly about capitalism as the engine of growth ...

JUL 12, 2013 News

Ask a Grown-up: Will the Soldiers Who Kill in Afghanistan Go to Hell or Is it OK to Kill Someone if You Have Been Told to?

Global Ethics Fellow David Rodin, of the Oxford Institute for Ethics, Law and Armed Conflict, grapples with a complex question from five-year-old Eli.

JUL 11, 2013 News

Globalization is the Unsung Champion of the Protests Happening around the World

Globalization has become an unsung champion of an empowered, rising global middle class that is more connected and has higher expectations politically, writes Senior Program ...

JUL 7, 2013 News

Michael Ignatieff: "No hay democracia verdadera sin limitaciĆ³n y control efectivo del poder"

In this interview with the Argentinian newspaper, "Clarin," which took place during the Council's site visit to South America, Centennial Chair Michael Ignatieff discussed democracy ...

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