
Media Mentions

JUL 6, 2013 News

The New Global Ethic

"The nation-state is in many ways becoming an antique, because the conditions of humanity have changed," argues Kishore Mahbubani, National University of Singapore. This was ...

JUL 5, 2013 News

51% Show #1251

WAMC Northeast Public Radio's "51%." show included a 2011 Global Ethics Corner on democracy in Turkey to contextualize a discussion about recent developments there. Does Turkey offer ...

JUL 3, 2013 News

Why the West Fears Islam: An Exploration of Muslims in Liberal Democracies

Are Muslims threatening the core values of the West? In her latest book, Global Ethics Fellow Jocelyne Cesari examines this question through the lens of ...

JUL 2, 2013 News

The Top Three Leadership Lessons from the Battle of Gettysburg

In this piece for "The Guardian" on the 150th anniversary of the battle of Gettysburg, senior fellow Jeffrey McCausland discusses three of its leadership lessons ...

JUL 1, 2013 News

Review of "Political Philosophy in the Twentieth Century: Authors and Arguments"

"This collection of essays edited by Catherine Zuckert provides an overview of the work and lives of 18 thinkers who made significant contributions to the development ...

JUL 1, 2013 News

2L Hansen Chosen as a Finalist in Carnegie Council Essay Contest

Ethics Fellow for the Future Gage Hansen was featured in "ULaw Today" after becoming a finalist in Carnegie Council's Trans-Pacific Essay Contest.

JUN 22, 2013 News

Chatterjee: The Ethics of Preventive War

Global Ethics Fellow Deen Chatterjee's edited volume The Ethics of Preventive War was featured in International Law Reporter.

JUN 20, 2013 News

Michael Ignatieff: "La tecnología le da a los gobiernos un "poder sin precedentes" y la prensa tiene que ser "mucho más fuerte" para controlarlo"

The Uruguayan weekly newspaper "Búsqueda," one of the two most influential political weekly newspapers in the country, featured a full-page interview with Centennial chair ...

JUN 13, 2013 News

Burma’s Reforms and Regional Cooperation in East Asia

Thein Sein, his advisors, and his closest allies are committed to the reform process and to improving Burma's image in the world--whether the majority of ...

JUN 6, 2013 News

Human Rights Expert and Former Politician Michael Ignatieff Leads Ethical Dialogue in South America

The "Wall Street Journal" website featured a Carnegie Council press release on the Council's Global Ethical Dialogues visit to Argentina, Uruguay, and Brazil.

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