
Media Mentions

JUN 6, 2013 News

Mindsets May Hinder Progress in Myanmar

In this "Huffington Post" article, Senior Program Director and Senior Fellow Devin Stewart discusses the mental adjustments facing the Burmese, and the attitudes and expectations ...

JUN 6, 2013 News

Conciliatory Gul Makes His Mark in Turkey's Taksim Uprising

Global Ethics Fellow Hakan Altinay was quoted by the "Financial Times" in an article discussing the distinctive styles of Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and ...

JUN 4, 2013 News

Dictator Month Kickoff: Laughtivism—How Humor is Transforming Non-Violent Struggle

Carnegie Council Grants Manager Mladen Joksic's co-authored piece launched's dictator appreciation month. An earlier version appeared in "Foreign Policy," titled "Why Dictators Don't ...

JUN 1, 2013 News

Letter of Last Resort: The Discussion

What would you tell the commander of the Trident submarine at sea to do if the UK was destroyed, and its leadership killed, by a ...

MAY 28, 2013 News

National ChengChi University Press Release: Carnegie Council Ethics Fellows for the Future

National ChengChi University, Taiwan, announced that Milan Chen from Taiwan and Oumie Sissokho from Gambia have been appointed Ethics Fellows for the Future. Both are ...

MAY 28, 2013 News

The Takeaway with John Hockenberry: European Union Ends Arms Embargo on Syrian Rebels

Program Director David Speedie appeared on WNYC's "The Takeaway With John Hockenberry," commenting on developments in the EU's Syria policies

MAY 27, 2013 News

Asian Universities Offer Programs for Female Leaders

Rajeev Gowda of the Center for Public Policy at the Indian Institute and also a Carnegie Council Global Ethics Fellow, was quoted a "New York ...

MAY 24, 2013 News

The Growing Heap of Problems on Stephen Harper's Desk

"This government has talked of joining trade talks as if that’s an accomplishment," Global Ethics Fellow Roland Paris says. "But they haven’t yielded ...

MAY 24, 2013 News

Afghanistan: What Went Wrong?

Review essay in "Washington Monthly" by Global Ethics Fellow Roland Paris, based on four books that offer insights into “what went wrong” with the international ...

MAY 21, 2013 News

Evidence Does Not Support Fears of Islam in the West

"While scholarly work has debunked the idea of incompatibility of Islam with Western values, it has not really changed this dominant perception pervading political discourse ...

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