
Media Mentions

FEB 1, 2022 News

Bloomberg: "Solar Geoengineering Research Is a Risk Worth Taking"

This article for "Bloomberg" raises important questions about emerging techniques to alter the climate. Who would authorize the use of these technologies? How would international ...

FEB 1, 2022 News

The Economist: "By one measure of living standards, South Korea has overtaken Japan"

In this article for "The Economist", Richard Katz analyzes data from World Bank showing that South Korea’s GDP per person has surpassed Japan's. 

JAN 29, 2022 News

The Economist: "The technology of seeing and shooting your enemies"

In the technological age, it's getting harder for soldiers to stay hidden. In this article for "The Economist", Senior Fellow Arthur Holland Michel is quoted ...

JAN 27, 2022 News

Forbes: "Three Trends All Leaders Should Know About AI"

Do humans want computers that make ethical decisions? This "Forbes" article cites Senior Fellow Wendell Wallach and his concept of artificial moral agency (AMA). 

JAN 23, 2022 News

The Atlantic: "Only Putin Knows What Happens Next"

Once Russian military forces are on the move into Ukraine, the Kremlin could set in motion a chain of events that no one can predict, ...

JAN 21, 2022 News

The National Interest: "The United States Needs a New Approach to Russia"

In this article for "The National Interest", Senior Fellow Nikolas Gvosdev reflects on the build-up of Russian troops on the border of Ukraine, and the ...

JAN 17, 2022 News

Foreign Policy: "The Climate Conversation No One Wants"

In an op-ed for Foreign Policy, Senior Fellow and C2G Executive Director Janos Pasztor argues that it's time to talk about managing the world’...

JAN 16, 2022 News

Reuters: "After sun-dimming setback, geoengineers seek a diplomatic fix"

Janos Pasztor, executive director of the Carnegie Climate Governance Initiative, is quoted in this article for "Reuters" that discusses research into climate-altering technologies like solar ...

JAN 14, 2022 News

World Economic Forum: "We’re failing at the ethics of AI. Here’s how we make real impact"

The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the rollout of AI initiatives around the globe. In an article published by the World Economic Forum, Artificial Intelligence & Equality Initiative ...

JAN 6, 2022 News

The National Interest: "What’s Really Behind the Protests in Kazakhstan?"

The politics of energy use and climate change—often viewed as a domestic policy question—can and will have a growing impact on both global ...

Press Releases

EIA Winter 2017 issue

DEC 8, 2017 News

Just Out: "Ethics & International Affairs" Winter 2017 Issue

This issue contains essays by Jonathan D. Caverley on how to slow the proliferation of major conventional weapons and Janos Pasztor on why international governance ...

L to R from top row: Katherine Akey, Mary Barton, Christopher Capozzola, Philip Caruso, Zach Dorfman, Tanisha Fazal, Richard Millett, Seiko Mimaki, Charles Sorrie

NOV 20, 2017 News

Carnegie Council Appoints Nine Fellows for the Project, "The Living Legacy of the First World War"

Carnegie Council announces the selection of nine fellows who will receive stipends and other support to pursue research under the project "The Living Legacy of ...

Students from the University of Buraimi, Oman, promote awareness of how to fight climate change in a local supermarket

NOV 16, 2017 News

Over 60 Organizations in 30+ Countries Celebrate Global Ethics Day, 2017

October 18, 2017 marked the fourth annual Global Ethics Day, with participation from over 60 organizations and individuals from 31 countries on five continents. Founded by Carnegie Council in 2014 ...

CREDIT: <a href="">clondike7</a> (<a href="">CC</a>)

NOV 9, 2017 News

Calling Teachers and Students: Essay and Photo Contests, Deadline December 31, 2017

Carnegie Council is pleased to announce its two annual international contests: an essay contest for teachers and students on the world's greatest ethical challenge, and ...

Pacific Delegates with Dicky Sofjan, Elga Sarapung, Devin Stewart, and Alissa Wahid at Dian Interfidei in Yogyakarta

NOV 1, 2017 News

Carnegie Council's 2017 Religion & Pluralism Research Delegation to Yogyakarta, Indonesia

From October 15-21, 2017, Devin Stewart, senior director of Carnegie Council's Asia Dialogues program, led a group of 12 Pacific Delegates from seven countries and a diverse ...

OCT 27, 2017 News

Call for Papers, "Ethics & International Affairs" Journal

Ethics & International Affairs, the quarterly peer-reviewed publication of the Carnegie Council, is pleased to invite submissions for upcoming issues. The editors are particularly interested in ...

OCT 6, 2017 News

Carnegie Climate Geoengineering Governance Initiative (C2G2) Launches New Website

Carnegie Council announces the launch of a new website for its Carnegie Climate Geoengineering Governance Initiative, known as C2G2. While the website will do ...

Michael Ignatieff. CREDIT: <a href="">Radey Barrack</a> <a href="">(CC)</a>

SEP 19, 2017 News

New Book, "The Ordinary Virtues: Moral Order in a Divided World" by Carnegie-Uehiro Centennial Chair Michael Ignatieff

Carnegie Council congratulates Michael Ignatieff on the publication of "The Ordinary Virtues." This important book is the culmination of his Carnegie Council Centennial project, Global ...

SEP 11, 2017 News

Just Out: "Ethics & International Affairs" Fall 2017 Issue

This issue contains essays by Amartya Sen on the foundations of global justice and Amitav Acharya on the multiplex world order; features by Jamie Gaskarth ...

L to R: Host Randall Pinkston and Guest Scott Sagan: "The Nuclear Necessity Principle"

SEP 7, 2017 News

Ninth Season of Carnegie Council's Weekly TV Show "Global Ethics Forum" Begins September 8

Carnegie Council's acclaimed weekly TV show, Global Ethics Forum, begins its ninth season on September 8, 2017. Watch it on PBS stations across the United States: Check ...

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