Articles & Reports

Recent Articles

JUN 27, 2023 Article

A Conversation with Carnegie Ethics Fellow Ebuka Okoli

This new interview series profiles members of the inaugural Carnegie Ethics Fellows cohort. This discussion features Ebuka Okoli, a graduate student at Illinois State University.

JUN 23, 2023 Article

Model International Mobility Convention: An Inter-American System of human rights reflection on the non-criminalization principle

This paper aims to provide an Inter-American reflection on the Model International Mobility Convention (MIMC).

JUN 5, 2023 Article

Are We Automating the Banality and Radicality of Evil?

Current iterations of AI are increasingly able to encourage subservience to a non-human master, telling potentially systematic untruths with emphatic confidence.

JUN 1, 2023 Journal Online Exclusive

What We've Been Reading

Our roundup of news and current events related to ethics and international affairs! Here’s some of what we’ve been reading this past month.

MAY 31, 2023 Journal Online Exclusive

Can ChatGPT Solve Pressing Problems in Global Ethics?

This brief piece is a first step toward exploring the ethical limitations of ChatGPT and the consequences of these limitations.

MAY 31, 2023 Article

To Engage or Not Engage: Ethical Challenges and Tradeoffs for U.S. Statecraft in 2023

Approaches for policymakers to consider when grappling with the ethical questions of whether and how to engage with authoritarian or increasingly illiberal states and actors.

United Nations Flags. Photo credit: Tom Page via Flickr.

MAY 26, 2023 Journal Online Exclusive

An Internationalist’s Manifesto: Principles for Statecraft in a Dangerous World

Foerster and Raymond argue that useful principles for international affairs must balance the harsh realities of the world with the moral imperatives that drive policy.

Blue vector

MAY 24, 2023 Article

Silicon Valley is knowingly violating ethical AI principles. Society can’t respond if we let disagreements poison the debate.

With criticism of ChatGPT much in the news, we are also increasingly hearing about disagreements among thinkers who are critical of AI, writes Carnegie-Uehiro Fellow ...

empty United Nations General Assembly hall

MAY 22, 2023 Article

Sitting on the Sidelines: The Global Divide on Ukraine

Carnegie Council President Joel Rosenthal reflects on the global divide in relation to Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

MAY 15, 2023 Journal Online Exclusive

What We've Been Reading

Our roundup of news and current events related to ethics and international affairs! Here’s some of what we’ve been reading this past month.