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MAR 10, 2016 Journal

Jus ad Vim: A Rejoinder to Helen Frowe

Frowe argues from the revisionist just war position, accepting that this is the correct interpretation of just war principles. This view misses something important about ...

MAR 10, 2016 Journal

On the Redundancy of Jus ad Vim: A Response to Daniel Brunstetter and Megan Braun

The set of principles proposed by Brunstetter and Braun to comprise jus ad vim is redundant, and the project stems from a largely implausible understanding ...

MAR 10, 2016 Journal

Robots and Respect: Assessing the Case Against Autonomous Weapon Systems

There is increasing speculation within military and policy circles that the future of armed conflict is likely to include extensive deployment of autonomous weapon systems. ...

MAR 10, 2016 Journal

Democracies and the Power to Revoke Citizenship

This article assesses the justifications given for the claimed power to revoke citizenship in democratic states and concludes that, ultimately, such a power is incompatible ...

MAR 10, 2016 Journal

Death of the Statesman as Tragic Hero: Hans Morgenthau on the Vietnam War

During the Vietnam War, Morgenthau came to see the growth of the national security state and the unaccountable exercise of executive power as a twin ...

MAR 10, 2016 Journal

Hans Morgenthau and The Purpose of American Politics

When read next to his Scientific Man vs. Power Politics, published in 1946, The Purpose of American Politics reveals a significant shift in Morgenthau’s intellectual ...

MAR 10, 2016 Journal

Hans Morgenthau and the National Interest

In order to understand Morgenthau’s views on the concept of “the national interest,” it is critical to understand the political context within which he ...

MAR 10, 2016 Journal

Defining Down Sovereignty: The Rights and Responsibilities of Nations

The international community should spell out the kinds of failures to protect civilians that can justify armed interventions by other states, and should establish a ...

Kavita Shukla. CREDIT: Fenugreen FreshPaper

MAR 8, 2016 Article

Policy Innovations Digital Magazine (2006-2016): Innovations: Fighting Food Waste with Paper and Spice

At a moment when most of us look to Silicon Valley for the next highly sophisticated technological breakthrough that will change the world, it's increasingly ...

FEB 29, 2016 Journal Online Exclusive

Libya and the First Human Right

We tend not to think of the fact that chaos is the biggest violator of human rights. The core right to life—the first human ...