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FEB 11, 2016 Article

The Need for Ethical Grounding in Social Activism: A Banker's Perspective of the Occupy Movement

Why did the Occupy Movement, that should have resonated with 99 percent of the population, lack the support to achieve the changes that it sought?

Coiney founder and CEO Naoko Samata (R) with colleague Shinnosuke Io in Tokyo, November 2015. PHOTO: Devin Stewart

FEB 11, 2016 Article

Tokyo's Ambition Generation

Despite a host of cultural and structural difficulties, Japanese business culture is slowly becoming more welcoming to start-ups, writes Carnegie Council Senior Fellow Devin Stewart ...

Migrant workers, Singapore. CREDIT: <a href="" target="_blank">Jnzl</a>

FEB 10, 2016 Article

What Does Singapore Owe its Migrant Workers?

In Tuas View, an industrial neighborhood in Singapore, migrant workers have little reason to leave their buildings. They live in a 15,000 square foot dormitory, where ...

CREDIT: <a href="" target="_blank">Shutterstock</a>

FEB 5, 2016 Article

Can Wars Ever be Just or Are Wars Merely Justifiable?: The Conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo

From the standpoint of ethics of war, the conflict in the eastern region of the DRC would be deemed to be justifiable because it fills ...

The Gadget, nuclear device to test the world's 1st atomic bomb, New Mexico, 1945. CREDIT: <a href="">Public Domain</a>

FEB 4, 2016 Article

Deterrence or Disarmament?: The Ethics of Nuclear Warfare

Is using a nuclear weapon morally permissible under some circumstances? Is it ethical to implement nuclear deterrence (threatening to use atomic weapons) as a self-defense ...

CREDIT: <a href="" target="_blank">Mark David Johnson</a>

JAN 28, 2016 Article

Human Rights in Asia and the West

The geographical, national, or ethnic East-West division in human rights thinking is increasingly irrelevant. Instead, multiple layers of horizontal solidarity have been formed through global ...

CREDIT: <a href="" target="_blank">Shutterstock</a>

JAN 28, 2016 Article

Values and the Ethics of International Order

At a time when U.S. primacy is in doubt, when many are concerned that China might become a global political power, when the threat ...

JAN 27, 2016 Journal Online Exclusive

EIA Interview with Thomas Weiss on Global Governance

The journal is proud to feature an exclusive audio interview between Thomas Weiss, the Presidential Professor of Political Science at the City University of New ...

Buddha Tooth Relic Temple, Singapore. CREDIT: <a href="" target="_blank">Khairul Nizam</a>

JAN 26, 2016 Article

The "Singapore School" of Asian Values: Down But Not Out?

When the Asian financial crisis of 1997 blunted the so-called "Asian Economic Miracle," critics--many Westerners, but also Asians tired of the tendentious claims of their cultural ...

CREDIT: <a href="" target="_blank">Vincent Steurs</a>

JAN 26, 2016 Article

International Holocaust Memorial Day, January 27: What We Can Still Learn

Holocaust survivor Gene Klein: "On Holocaust Memorial Day we remember the suffering, death and destruction of the camps. This year I also ask you to ...