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China-Kazakhstan border crossing at Horgos. CREDIT: purplepumpkins via <a href="">Wikipedia</a>

DEC 14, 2015 Article

Will China Promote Autocracy along its New Silk Road?

China's ambitious "One Belt One Road" project is planned to span across Asia, the Middle East, Europe, and Africa. It's estimated that it will affect ...

DEC 11, 2015 Journal

Introduction: Drivers and Change in Global Governance

The purpose of this roundtable is to continue to push outward the boundaries of what we understand as "global governance."

DEC 11, 2015 Journal

The Rise of China: Continuity or Change in the Global Governance of Development

Exercising its vast material power, China is rapidly becoming a top lender in the bilateral field, and it is asserting its alternative ideas on aid ...

DEC 11, 2015 Journal

Voluntary Standard Setting: Drivers and Consequences

The voluntary consensus standard-setting system is a part of global governance most of us encounter frequently, but rarely notice. What are the drivers and consequences ...

DEC 11, 2015 Journal

Change and Continuity in Global Governance

Scholars must frame bigger questions about the history and future of global governance, and prescribe course corrections and formulate strategies for a more stable and ...

DEC 11, 2015 Journal

Governing the Environment: Three Motivating Factors

What motivates agents to change global governance arrangements? A look at governance of the environment provides answers.

DEC 11, 2015 Journal

Children's Rights as Human Rights

Fundamental state failures—to recognize and act in children’s best interest; to afford them the right to be heard; and to respect, protect, and ...

DEC 11, 2015 Journal

Global Governance and Power Politics: Back to Basics

ROLAND PARIS The fundamental challenge of global governance today is not a shortage of cooperative mechanisms but the rapid shift in power away from the ...

DEC 11, 2015 Journal

Big Data and International Relations

ANDREJ ZWITTER Big Data unveils new dimensions of technological change, which political scientists and observers of international affairs are only beginning to comprehend.

DEC 11, 2015 Journal

Justice for All: The Promise of Democracy in the Global Age

For Carol Gould, to make democracy fulfill its potential, it has to be transformed from its static and formal state to a more engaged, ...