Articles & Reports

Recent Articles

Obama attends TPP meeting at the ASEAN Summit in Cambodia, Nov. 20, 2012. CREDIT: <a href="" target="_blank">The White House</a>

OCT 14, 2015 Article

Trans-Pacific Partnership: Prospects and Challenges

After nearly five years of difficult talks, 12 Pacific Rim states have finalized the text of the TPP, a free-trade agreement that has the potential to ...

CREDIT: <a href="" target="_blank">Shuttersock</a>

OCT 14, 2015 Article

Policy Innovations Digital Magazine (2006-2016): Commentary: Big Soda Politics: A Call to Advocacy

It is becoming evident that Big Soda copies the playbook used by Big Tobacco to distract people from the harm caused by cigarette smoking. Although ...

CREDIT: <a href="" target="_blank">Shuttersock</a>

OCT 13, 2015 Article

Policy Innovations Digital Magazine (2006-2016): Commentary: How Much More Processed Food Can We Eat?

Food policies for the 21st century will be about the purpose of markets and the need to hold marketers to account for their activities.

OCT 7, 2015 Journal

The Normative Terrain of the Global Refugee Regime

ALEXANDER BETTS The issues of who, why, and how to protect refugees pose a series of normative challenges that can only be addressed by recognizing ...

Presidents Obama and Putin at UN Luncheon, September 28, 2015. CREDIT: <a href="" target="_blank">United Nations Photo</a>

OCT 1, 2015 Article

Messrs. Obama and Putin: Put Syria and Syrians First

While the U.S. and Russia disagree over the fate of Assad, they share a self-interested resolve to defeat the ISIL forces that now control ...

OCT 1, 2015 Journal

Fall 2015 (29.3)

This issue includes an essay by Richard Goldstone on global ethical standards for international judges; a book symposium on Michael Blake's Justice and Foreign Policy, ...

SEP 24, 2015 Journal Online Exclusive

EIA Podcast: Introducing the Fall 2015 Issue

Acropolis and the Greek Parliament CREDIT: <a href="" target=_blank>GNTO / Yannis Skoulas</a> (<a href="">CC</a>)

SEP 22, 2015 Article

Democracy as Myth and Fact

"Do democracies have the capacity to adjust? Can they expand their ideas of national interest to tackle collective challenges? Can they function in ways that ...

Credit: <a href="" target="_blank">Ulula</a>

SEP 21, 2015 Article

Policy Innovations Digital Magazine (2006-2016): Innovations: Can Mobile Technology Help Make Sustainable Business a Reality?

How can we bridge the disconnect between the growing interest of business and finance in the sustainability agenda and more decisive action towards better social ...

SEP 18, 2015 Journal Online Exclusive

Choosing Among Alternative Responses to Mass Atrocity: Between the Individual and the Collectivity

MARK OSIEL When a country pursues only a single mode of atrocity response, it will over-individualize or over-collectivize its treatment of wrongdoer and victim, in ...