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Democratic presidential candidate Barack <br>Obama. Photo by <a href="">Steve Jurvetson</a> (<a href="">CC</a>).

AUG 20, 2015 Article

Compromise and Rotten Compromises: A Reflection on the Iran Deal

Ultimately, will the Iran nuclear deal be a good compromise or a rotten one? For an ethicist, one question lingers. Why did the American-led negotiators ...

CREDIT: <a href="" target="_blank">Shutterstock</a>

AUG 19, 2015 Article

Bringing Ukraine Back Into Focus: How to End the New Cold War and Provide Effective Political Assistance to Ukraine

Peacemaking efforts in Ukraine have failed because two crises must be addressed simultaneously. The first is the crisis within Ukraine over whether it should be ...

AUG 17, 2015 Article

Possible Future Worlds: Essays by Carnegie Council's Ethics Fellows for the Future

This booklet is the result of a six-month online course taken by the Ethics Fellows for the Future, based on Carnegie Council Fellow Thong Nguyen's ...

CREDIT: <a href="" target="_blank">Shutterstock</a>

AUG 17, 2015 Article

Solidarity or Self-interest? European Integration and the German Question

"Germany today is earnest in its desire to be a good European neighbor, but it does not believe that it can or should pay any ...

AUG 12, 2015 Journal Online Exclusive

What Should You Do if You Are Not an "Effective Altruist"?

Peter Singer argues that a significant portion of one’s income should go toward alleviating global poverty. But this is just a start.

Detail from movie poster.

AUG 6, 2015 Article

Ethics on Film: Discussion of "Gandhi"

This film is a textbook on Gandhi's political philosophy and the Indian quest for statehood. And for many, Ben Kingsley's performance in the title role, ...

The Kremlin, Moscow. CREDIT: <a href="">Shutterstock</a>

JUL 30, 2015 Article

"Soft Power": The Values that Shape Russian Foreign Policy

In the increasingly frigid environment of U.S.-Russia relations, much attention is given to what may be seen as Russia's strategic "interests." Of at ...

World leaders from government, finance, business, and civil society at the UN. CREDIT: <a href="" target="_blank"> UN Photo</a> (<a href="">CC</a>)

JUL 29, 2015 Article

Policy Innovations Digital Magazine (2006-2016): Commentary: Creating Standards for Multi-Stakeholder Governance

Many people in civil society and in governmental circles feel ambivalent about this new global governance approach. Should multi-stakeholders be in charge of "solving" global ...

CREDIT: <a href="" target="_blank">Shutterstock</a>

JUL 28, 2015 Article

To Sow the Wind: An Argument Against the War on Terror

The just war tradition--a tradition that once thought war tragically endemic and sometimes justified, but never simply, unambiguously just--has lost its profound Augustinian political skepticism ...

Photo: Allison Kwesell. Senior Fellow Devin T. Stewart examines a car destroyed by the March 2011 tsunami.

JUL 24, 2015 Article

The Ethics of Nuclear Power: Reflections on Carnegie Council Site Visit to Fukushima, Japan

As part of Carnegie Council's Global Ethical Dialogues site visits to eight countries around the world, in June 2015 the Council led a team of researchers, ...