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JUN 12, 2015 Journal

Briefly Noted

JUN 12, 2015 Journal

The Idea of Universality in the Sustainable Development Goals

Despite an apparent “emerging consensus that the post-2015 agenda should be universal,” there is less agreement over what universality means, and how this demand should ...

JUN 12, 2015 Journal

Against Moral Absolutism: Surveillance and Disclosure After Snowden

RAHUL SAGAR Now that the uproar provoked by the disclosure of the NSA surveillance programs has lessened and Edward Snowden and Glenn Greenwald have had ...

Migration. CREDIT: <a href="" target="_blank">Ariel Kaplan</a> (<a href="" target="_blank">CC</a>)

JUN 8, 2015 Article

Migrant Deaths Worldwide

There is no going back to a world in which migration can be prevented. The only solution to the global crisis of migrant deaths is ...

JUN 8, 2015 Journal Online Exclusive

Ethical Choices for a Superpower

As U.S. presidential candidates begin to lay out their visions for foreign policy, it will be critical to understand the ethical foundations for their ...

JUN 4, 2015 Journal Online Exclusive

Response to Critics of The Thin Justice of International Law

In this, the final contribution to our online symposium, Ratner responds to critics of his book.

Chinese President Xi Jinping and U.S. President Barack Obama. CREDIT: <a href="" target="_blank">U.S. Embassy The Hague</a> (<a href="" "target="_blank">CC</a>)

JUN 3, 2015 Article

The Strategic Importance of U.S.-China Trade Ties

Everyone worries about the escalation of China's maritime disputes in the South China Sea. But the greatest long-term threat to U.S.-China relations may ...

JUN 3, 2015 Journal Online Exclusive

Reflections on The Thin Justice of International Law: Peace, Justice, and Secession

I maintain contra Ratner that peace should not be characterized as a component (or, in his language, a pillar) of justice. This dispute over the ...

JUN 3, 2015 Journal Online Exclusive

Ukraine, Reforms, and "Doing the Right Thing"

The sad reality is that for much of its post-Soviet history, successive Ukrainian governments have postponed taking the hard steps needed to bring about real ...

JUN 2, 2015 Journal Online Exclusive

The Role of Ideal Theory in Developing an Applied Ethics of International Law

In his book, Steven Ratner impressively integrates the concerns and perspectives of international lawyers with a philosophically compelling normative analysis, demonstrating by example the importance ...