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MAR 6, 2015 Journal

Toward a Drone Accountability Regime

The key principle of a Drone Accountability Regime should be transparency, and its central agent should be an Ombudsperson with broad authority to investigate situations ...

MAR 6, 2015 Journal

Accountability for Killing: Moral Responsibility for Collateral Damage in America’s Post-9/11 Wars by Neta C. Crawford

For Crawford, we ought not to regard instances in which civilians are mistakenly targeted or instances in which more civilians are killed collaterally than had ...

MAR 6, 2015 Journal

The Informal Regulation of Drones and the Formal Legal Regulation of War

How does the proposed drone accountability regime relate to existing international treaty and customary law governing the use of force, including the use of lethal ...

MAR 6, 2015 Journal

Targeted Killing: Accountability and Oversight via a Drone Accountability Regime

Using a drone as a component of a military operation does not automatically make that action a “targeted killing.” Much of the public concern about ...

MAR 6, 2015 Journal

Toward a Drone Accountability Regime: A Rejoinder

We appreciate the fact that our proposal initiated a lively discussion of the characteristics of a Drone Accountability Regime, and of the international political and ...

MAR 6, 2015 Journal

Accountability for Targeted Drone Strikes Against Terrorists?

The problem of terrorism can and probably ought to be approached from both war and law enforcement paradigms, not merely the former one, as Buchanan ...

MAR 6, 2015 Journal

From Moral to Political Responsibility in a Globalized Age

In a world beset by empirical global problems and global collective inaction, we need less to speak of the moral responsibility of political agents than ...

MAR 6, 2015 Journal

The Endtimes of Human Rights by Stephen Hopgood

Is the Human Rights “project” coming to an end? Hopgood believes it has sold its moral clarity for an alliance with interventionist liberal states.

MAR 5, 2015 Journal

Distant Intimacy: Space, Drones, and Just War

Critical engagement with the concept of space, rooted in political geography, augments established ethical critiques of drone strikes. As drone use grows, it is crucial ...

MAR 5, 2015 Journal

Briefly Noted