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Joel Rosenthal headshot. CREDIT: Anadolu Agency

FEB 6, 2015 Article

Letter to 2114, a Century from Now

"At the beginning of our hundredth year, I wrote a letter to Andrew Carnegie, reporting on the progress of our Council and the prospects for ...

Protesters march against police violence and racism, Washington, D.C., December, 2014. CREDIT: <a href="">Rena Schild/Shutterstock</a>

FEB 5, 2015 Article

Examining the Potential for an American Truth and Reconciliation Commission

The deaths of Michael Brown and Eric Garner catalyzed discussions nationwide over race relations in the United States. Surely it's time for some kind of ...

Eunice Yoona Lee

FEB 4, 2015 Article

"Why Korean Unification Is Not a Selfish Wish" by Eunice Yoona Lee

"Considering the nature of today's major global issues, regional conflicts like that in Korea must be solved foremost in order for humanity's progress toward world ...

Angela Yoon

FEB 4, 2015 Article

"Imagining a Better Future: Trust in Our Protectors" by Angela Yoon

"In order to rebuild peace in this century of discord, nations who have or are currently experiencing strife should pursue Security Sector Reform (SSR), with ...

CREDIT: <a href="">Ross Pollack</a> (<a href="">CC</a>).

FEB 4, 2015 Article

"Peace" by Cadel Watson

"The chaotic nature of recent years should serve as an example of the dangers of allowing cultural hatred to dominate the decision making of the ...

Kavya Deshpande

FEB 4, 2015 Article

"Hopes for the Next Century: Religious Tolerance" by Kavya Deshpande

"It is vital that humanity seizes the 21st century to establish liberalism in the field of faith. There is still a long and arduous path ...

Ademola Adekunbi Alexander

FEB 4, 2015 Article

"What's Needed Is the Emergence of a New Mind-Set" by Ademola Adekunbi

"We must each work to remove the labels that we have imbibed over the years. Black does not equal gangster; Muslim does not equal terrorist; ...

CREDIT: <a href="">Adam Jason Moore</a> (<a href="">CC</a>).

FEB 4, 2015 Article

Policy Innovations Digital Magazine (2006-2016): Commentary: Modi's Clean India Needs More Actions than Photo-ops

The Swachh Bharat campaign needs to become more than a mere slogan. Otherwise, it will end up being added to the long list of India's ...

Joshua Asaro

FEB 4, 2015 Article

"'Acta Non Verba' (Deeds Not Words)" by Joshua M. Asaro

"If we are to see growth in our society in the next hundred years, we have got to see an end to the days where ...

CREDIT: <a href="">Adley Haywood</a> (<a href="">CC</a>).

FEB 2, 2015 Article

Policy Innovations Digital Magazine (2006-2016): Commentary: Civic Engagement: One Simple Solution to Youth Disconnection

New research points the way to targeting volunteer and other civic engagement opportunities for youth who are most in danger of falling through the cracks.