Articles & Reports

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Osakabe in her apartment, November 2014. CREDIT: Devin Stewart

FEB 2, 2015 Article

Abenomics Meets Womenomics

Working women have long struggled to make their way in Japan, even in comparison to their counterparts in other advanced countries. But now many Japanese ...

JAN 28, 2015 Journal Online Exclusive

The Responsibility to Accompany: A Framework for Multilateral Support of Grassroots Nonviolent Resistance

If grassroots nonviolent movements are to flourish, more strategic, calibrated forms of external assistance will prove critical.

Romanian Senate, June 2014, celebrating 150 years of activity. CREDIT: <a href="">Shutterstock</a>

JAN 23, 2015 Article

Romania: On the Edge of a Democratic Cliff?

Responding to Teo Stan's article written just before Romania's November 2014 elections, Patrick Basham argues that unfortunately, Stan was over-optimistic. "On the ground in Romania, the ...

Kathryn Redford, co-founder of Ofbug, feeding chickens with worms.

JAN 22, 2015 Article

Policy Innovations Digital Magazine (2006-2016): Innovations: "Soy is a Huge Cloud Over All Agriculture"

Kathryn Redford has a mission: revolutionize the meat industry. How? By using insects in animal feed, instead of soy or corn.

CREDIT: <a href="">Shutterstock</a>

JAN 21, 2015 Article

Leveraging Networks for Impact, Part 2: Best Practice Roundtable

On November, 2014, Carnegie Council and the Melton Foundation convened a group of representatives of leading global networks to investigate how to measure and maximize their ...

JAN 20, 2015 Journal Online Exclusive

“Transitional Justice” in Israel/Palestine? Symbolism and Materialism in Reparations for Mass Violence

MARK OSIEL What type of material and symbolic reparations might someday ensue from a peace agreement in Israel/Palestine?

JAN 16, 2015 Journal Online Exclusive

After Gitmo and Charlie Hebdo: Rethinking Citizenship in the 21st Century

The Charlie Hebdo massacre and the release of additional inmates from the Guantanamo prison raise questions about the most effective ways to protect ourselves against ...

JAN 14, 2015 Journal Online Exclusive

The Charlie Hebdo Massacre and the Question of Hate Speech

When does protected expression venture into the realm of hate speech, and who should determine when a particular expression qualifies as such?

CREDIT: <a href="">Shutterstock</a>

JAN 9, 2015 Article

Cuba's Pivotal Role on the World Stage

One might not think that a small island like Cuba could play a critical role in world politics. Yet the circumstances of Obama's decision to ...

CREDIT: <a href=""></a> (<a href="">CC</a>)

JAN 7, 2015 Article

Global Inequality is Falling. So what?

Inequality is rising within countries, but falling for the world as a whole. What are we to make of this? This essay tackles the knotty ...