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OCT 6, 2014 Journal Online Exclusive

The Paradox of Using Human Shields in War

MICHAEL GROSS May guerrillas use human shields? The short answer is yes, but not always.

OCT 1, 2014 Journal

Fall 2014 (28.3)

This issue features an essay by Mark Osiel on identifying the perpetrators of atrocity crimes; a centennial roundtable on climate change featuring Stephen M. Gardiner, ...

SEP 30, 2014 Journal Online Exclusive

ISIS and the Ethics of Delegation in Fighting Terrorism

NICK GVOSDEV Just because groups may benefit from U.S. support and air power in fighting ISIS does not mean that they are prepared to ...

SEP 30, 2014 Journal Online Exclusive

The Impending Failure of the Sustainable Development Goals

SCOTT WISOR The Millennium Development Goals suffered from serious design flaws, but these were perhaps understandable. Those putting together the successor agreement have no such ...

SEP 25, 2014 Article

Ethics Fellows for the Future 2014 Essay Collection

This booklet is a collection of the Ethics Fellows for the Future (EFF) essays and project outlines as well as the winning essay of Carnegie ...

Children Will Play Anywhere - U.S./Mexico Border Fence. CREDIT: <a href="">Romel Jacinto</a> <a href="">(CC)</a>

SEP 24, 2014 Article

The Central American Child Emigration Crisis: Facts, Figures, and Root Causes

Beginning in early 2014, news reports noted the rising number of unaccompanied minors attempting to cross the U.S. border with Mexico. Soon, it was described ...

SEP 22, 2014 Journal Online Exclusive

Why Climate Change Divestment Will Not Work

Instead of devoting scarce resources toward a divestment campaign, we need to direct attention to the more urgent and effective task of placing a price ...

CREDIT:<a href=""> ChefSteps</a> <a href="">(CC)</a>

SEP 11, 2014 Article

Policy Innovations Digital Magazine (2006-2016): Commentary: Why Isn't Food a Public Good?

What would the world look like if we were to treat food as a public good or commons and not merely as a commodity?

SEP 4, 2014 Journal Online Exclusive

Mary Dudziak on Civil Liberties During WWI and Beyond

For Dudziak, "Just as the nation is perpetually focused on security, we must also be perpetually focused on maintaining constitutional liberty."

SEP 4, 2014 Journal

The Dawning of an Earth Ethic

So far we have failed to act on the scale or with the urgency required to avert the unfolding disaster of climate change. Why are ...