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SEP 4, 2014 Journal

Ethical Enhancement in an Age of Climate Change

The world is dashing toward greater and more devastating climate intensification. Nonetheless, opportunities for moral action abound.

SEP 4, 2014 Journal

A Call for a Global Constitutional Convention Focused on Future Generations

The climate problem is usually misdiagnosed as a traditional tragedy of the commons, but this obscures two deeper and distinctively ethical challenges. We must call ...

SEP 4, 2014 Journal

Moral Collapse in a Warming World

When it comes to climate change, moral corruption prevails not because the situation is inherently murky, but because confusion has been deliberately sown.

SEP 4, 2014 Journal

Three Questions on Climate Change

Climate change will have highly significant and largely negative effects on human societies into the foreseeable future, effects that are already generating ethical and policy ...

SEP 4, 2014 Journal

The Changing Ethics of Climate Change

Traditional framings of climate change action being about future generations or simply another dimension of the North-South divide in global geopolitics are not irrelevant today, ...

SEP 4, 2014 Journal

A "Natural" Proposal for Addressing Climate Change

One of the fundamental challenges of climate change is that we contribute to it increment by increment, and experience it increment by increment after a ...

SEP 4, 2014 Journal

Drones, Risk, and Perpetual Force

How should we conceptualize the use of missile-equipped uninhabited aerial vehicles (UAVs or “drones”) in the U.S. “war on terror”? If violence of this ...

SEP 4, 2014 Journal

The Confidence Trap: A History of Democracy in Crisis from World War I to the Present by David Runciman

This book provides a clear and plausible articulation of democracy’s central dilemma, paired with a far less definite treatment of its implications for the ...

SEP 4, 2014 Journal

The Vulnerable in International Society by Ian Clark

As Clark shows, order is much more than balancing, deterrence, diplomacy, peace, and war. How international society manages global problems should be of major concern ...

SEP 4, 2014 Journal

Just Freedom: A Moral Compass for a Complex World by Philip Pettit

An innovative and resonate work, this book explores new ground in Pettit’s ongoing attempt to articulate the importance of republicanism in the modern age.