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SEP 4, 2014 Journal

Western Pessimism, Asian Optimism: Three Perspectives on Global Governance

SIR RICHARD JOLLY Each of these books underlines the predicaments and challenges of global governance today. Stronger initiatives are urgently needed to provide the opportunities ...

SEP 4, 2014 Journal

Who Are Atrocity’s “Real” Perpetrators, Who Its “True” Victims and Beneficiaries?

Modern law’s response to mass atrocities vacillates equivocally in how it understands the dramatis personae to these expansive tragedies, at once extraordinary and ubiquitous.

Image via <a href="">Shutterstock</a>

SEP 4, 2014 Article

Mary Dudziak on Civil Liberties During WWI and Beyond

"Just as the nation is perpetually focused on security, we must also be perpetually focused on maintaining constitutional liberty."

Chayuan, Gansu Province. Credit: Green Camel Bell

SEP 2, 2014 Article

Policy Innovations Digital Magazine (2006-2016): Commentary: Zhao Zhong: Lessons from the Bottom Up

After an accident where nature nearly took his life, Zhao Zhong has been on a mission to protect the environment in his homeland of China.

AUG 28, 2014 Journal Online Exclusive

Honesty about War?

The UN Charter commits its members to refrain from the use or even the threat of the use of force in their relations with other ...

CREDIT: <a href="">University of Central Arksansas</a> (<a href"">CC</a>)

AUG 22, 2014 Article

Policy Innovations Digital Magazine (2006-2016): Commentary: A Storm in a Bucket: Lessons from the Ice Bucket Challenge Controversy

Fun-based activism such as the Ice Bucket Challenge does not persuade you; it mobilizes you. That's why it's been so successful.

ISIL in Iraq's Saladin Province in June, 2014. CREDIT: <a href="">AFP PHOTO / HO / WELAYAT SALAHUDDIN</a>

AUG 19, 2014 Article

A Clear and Present Danger: Why We Need the UN Security Council to Help Defeat ISIL

The relentless advance of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant poses an existential threat to countries of the region and a grave challenge ...

AUG 19, 2014 Journal Online Exclusive

Are "Coalitions of the Willing" Moral Agents?

We should agree with Erskine that group decision-making procedures are crucial to group agency, but need to be more permissive than she is about how “...

A view of Sarajevo from the Dinaric Alps. Credit: Conor Moran

AUG 18, 2014 Article

Sarajevo: Perspectives from a Carnegie New Leader

Conor Moran, a member of the Carnegie Council Centennial delegation, shares some complex thoughts on the city of Sarajevo and the nation of Bosnia and ...

CREDIT: <a href""> Shutterstock </a>

AUG 15, 2014 Article

Policy Innovations Digital Magazine (2006-2016): Commentary: Rose Niu: Conservation on the Tipping Point

Conservation in China is a long-term struggle that has only intensified with rapid economic growth. To bring degraded ecosystems back, the country needs ambitious plans ...