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CREDIT: <a href="">Sandia Labs / Randy Montoya</a> (<a href="">CC</a>).

JUN 18, 2014 Article

Policy Innovations Digital Magazine (2006-2016): Commentary: Of Moonshots and Slingshots

Only if policy people and technologists work together better will we change the world in ways that are congruent with our most critical human needs ...

JUN 16, 2014 Article

Do Global Networks Require "Cruise Directors"?

On April 30, 2014, Carnegie Council and the Melton Foundation convened a group of representatives of leading global networks to investigate and share best practices. Read about ...

CREDIT: One Earth Designs.

JUN 16, 2014 Article

Policy Innovations Digital Magazine (2006-2016): Innovations: Now They're Cooking: SolSource Harnesses the Himalayan Sun

With a solar cooker designed through community consultation, two young innovators are delivering clean energy to remote mountain villages, as well as your backyard BBQ.

JUN 12, 2014 Journal

Why Human Rights Are Called Human Rights

No one can engage in commerce when deprived of liberty or autonomy. No one can create or imagine or love when consumed by fear. We ...

JUN 12, 2014 Journal

Drones and the Question of "The Human"

In our headlong embrace of drone technology, we are forgetting to ask two basic questions: What is a drone? And what does it mean that ...

JUN 12, 2014 Journal

The Future of the Human Rights Movement

More than twenty years have passed since the end of the cold war, and the time when people spoke in triumphal terms of the global ...

JUN 12, 2014 Journal

Against a World Court for Human Rights

A World Court is not just an idea whose time has not yet come. The very idea fundamentally misconceives the nature of the challenges confronting ...

JUN 12, 2014 Journal

What Future for Human Rights?

The field of human rights covers many different beliefs, norms, institutions, and activities, and these may well have different futures. Some may flourish while others ...

JUN 12, 2014 Journal

State Sovereignty and International Human Rights

An increasingly robust international politics of human rights will provide valuable support to domestic advocates, help to impede backsliding, and in at least a few ...

JUN 12, 2014 Journal

The Future of Human Rights: A View from the United Nations

It is with respect to human rights that the UN has experienced some of its greatest shortcomings. The new "Rights up Front" plan may help ...