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JUN 12, 2014 Journal

From Empire to Sovereignty—and Back?

JENS BARTLESON How do empires and sovereign states relate, conceptually as well as historically? It is no coincidence that many historians of political thought are ...

JUN 12, 2014 Journal

Briefly Noted

JUN 12, 2014 Journal

Fairness in Practice: A Social Contract for a Global Economy by Aaron James

This book brings political economy, international relations, and development economics into conversation with moral philosophy, making a critical contribution to the ethics of globalization.

JUN 12, 2014 Journal

Global Justice and Avant-Garde Political Agency by Lea Ypi

In this book, Ypi proposes that theory begin with a specific political conflict, diagnose the failure of existing practices and norms to resolve it, and, ...

JUN 12, 2014 Journal

Climate Matters: Ethics in a Warming World by John Broome

DALE JAMIESON This book greatly contributes to our attempts to meet the challenge of climate change and to answer the difficult questions that it raises.

Protesting Coal in India. CREDIT: <a href=""></a>

JUN 11, 2014 Article

Policy Innovations Digital Magazine (2006-2016): Innovations: India's National Green Tribunal: An Environmental Justice Experiment

India's National Green Tribunal provides the country with a more accountable legal mechanism to protect the environment and those whose livelihoods depend on it.

Pilot cave at the Onkalo spent nuclear fuel repository in Finland, the first such respository in the world. Photo via <a href="">Wikipedia</a>

JUN 6, 2014 Article

The Intergenerational and International Justice Dilemmas of Multinational Nuclear Waste Repositories

Despite Fukushima, the use of nuclear power is increasing worldwide. What about the growing mountain of nuclear waste? It has already been accumulating for over 50 ...

European Parliament building via <a href=""> Shutterstock </a>

JUN 6, 2014 Article

The European Parliament Elections and Rise of the Far Right: Three Reasons for Reassurance, Three for Concern

The European Parliament election results are in, and the ominous has become the grim reality. Fueled by high unemployment across the continent and anti-immigrant anger, ...

MAY 31, 2014 Journal Online Exclusive

Syria and the Saratoga Moment

What are the ethical considerations in continuing to aid the anti-Assad opposition in Syria?

YouTube screenshot of "Happy" Iranians.

MAY 30, 2014 Article

Policy Innovations Digital Magazine (2006-2016): Commentary: A Dangerous Dance in Modern Iran

Any stirring of excitement about change in Iran needs to be tempered by the reality that change will never come from the current leadership.