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MAR 14, 2014 Journal

Kosovo to Kadi: Legality and Legitimacy in the Contemporary International Order

Whence does international law derive its normative force as law in a world that remains, in many respects, one where legitimate politics is practiced primarily ...

MAR 14, 2014 Journal

Coalitions of the Willing and Responsibilities to Protect: Informal Associations, Enhanced Capacities, and Shared Moral Burdens

There has been widespread support for the idea that the so-called international community has a remedial moral responsibility to protect vulnerable populations from grave human ...

MAR 14, 2014 Journal

Modern Pluralism: Anglo-American Debates Since 1880, Edited by Mark Bevir

Talk of “pluralism” has become ubiquitous in political theory, but it is often vague.

Gabonese National Park detection dog unit with Cooper and Lumi. CREDIT: Ruth Starkey © WCS

MAR 14, 2014 Article

Policy Innovations Digital Magazine (2006-2016): Commentary: Dogs Ally with Elephants in the Fight Against Illegal Ivory

Sniffer dog teams are proving invaluable in the interdiction of illegal ivory and other wildlife parts as the contraband flows from Africa to Asia.

<a href=""> Science Research</a> by Worldmapper.<br> Territory size shows the proportion of all scientific papers published in 2001 written by authors living there.

MAR 13, 2014 Article

Redrawing the Map of Global Knowledge: from Access to Participation

It's tempting to think that more money and machines will solve the problems of knowledge production inequality between the global North and South, writes Laura ...

<a href="">Ukrainian flag</a> via Shutterstock

MAR 11, 2014 Article

Taking Effective and Practical Steps Regarding Ukraine

Putin's ultimate goal is to avoid having a Ukraine that is a Western outpost on his border. He needs to be shown that the policies ...

<a href=""> Leader of the Svoboda party Oleh Tyahnybok </a> via Shutterstock

MAR 6, 2014 Article

Rein in Ukraine's Neo-Fascists

For a new government to succeed in Ukraine, it's important that the nation's neo-fascist, anti-Semitic, and anti-Russian parties are marginalized, writes David Speedie.

<a href="">Police and Protesters, Kiev, Jan 2014</a> via Shutterstock

MAR 5, 2014 Article

The Secret of Political Jiu-Jitsu

"While oppression may appear to be a display of the government's power, skilled activists know that it's actually a sign of weakness."

MAR 4, 2014 Journal Online Exclusive

Upcoming Conferences of Interest: Spring & Summer 2014

These upcoming conferences may be of interest to our readers. Be advised, some deadlines are fast approaching.

MAR 4, 2014 Journal Online Exclusive

Ukraine: Obligated to Assist?

Did the interim government in Ukraine have the right to expect a more robust response from Western countries in response to Russia's move to effectively ...