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MAR 3, 2014 Journal Online Exclusive

To End All Wars: Adam Hochschild on World War I

EIA and Carnegie Council are proud to announce the launch of a new interview Series, "The Living War: World War I in the 21st Century," ...

From the cover of "To End All Wars"

FEB 27, 2014 Article

To End All Wars: Adam Hochschild on World War I

The consequences of World War I are still with us, says Adam Hochschild. Are we in danger of making the same mistakes again? Why were ...

FEB 25, 2014 Journal Online Exclusive

The Ethics of Supporting Regime Change

How does the ethical foreign policy practitioner develop policy to respond to the upheavals in Ukraine, Venezuela, or Thailand, or deal with the aftermath of ...

<a href=""> 25 CCTV Camera Watching You On Concrete Wall</a> via Shutterstock

FEB 18, 2014 Article

Secrecy and Privacy in the Aftermath of Edward Snowden

In order to be morally justifiable, any strategy or policy involving the body politic must be one to which it would voluntarily assent when fully ...

<a href="">Ecologism and Capitalism</a> via Shutterstock

FEB 14, 2014 Article

From Dehumanization to Rehumanization

"Rehumanization is the restoration of human dignity and the reassertion of the priority of humans above the systems originally intended to serve humanity. If we ...

Oil rig in a Norwegian fjord. CREDIT: <a href="">Shutterstock</a>

FEB 11, 2014 Article

Norway’s Sovereign Wealth Fund and Global Justice: An Exchange

Dozens of countries have established Sovereign Wealth Funds. Just how should the money be spent, and how good are national claims to this money in ...

FEB 10, 2014 Journal Online Exclusive

International Law and Cyberwar: A Response to The Ethics of Cyberweapons

The Tallinn Manual has been widely accepted as a generally accurate restatement of the international law governing cyber operations during an armed conflict or a ...

FEB 6, 2014 Journal

Secrecy and Privacy in the Aftermath of Edward Snowden

In order to be morally justifiable, any strategy or policy involving the body politic must be one to which it would voluntarily assent when fully ...

Ebuka Okoli

JAN 31, 2014 Article

Honorable Mention, "Moral Leadership" Essay Contest, 2013

Ebuka Francis Okoli cites examples of many inspiring moral leaders, including Mother Teresa, Peter Benenson, founder of Amnesty International, and Dora Nkem Akunyili, former head ...

Akshata R. Prabhu

JAN 31, 2014 Article

1st Prize Undergraduate Category, "Moral Leadership" Essay Contest, 2013

"All I ask of you today is to think these three questions through: Why do you believe in your morals? Why should I believe in ...