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JAN 16, 2014 Journal Online Exclusive

Assessing the Ethics of Intervention

How should we assess the ethics of intervention? The policymaker has two initial approaches, the "morality of intentions" versus the "morality of results."

JAN 9, 2014 Journal Online Exclusive

Balancing Private and Public Morality

Reading Annick Cojean’s Gaddafi’s Harem: The Story of a Young Woman And The Abuses of Power in Libya, which chronicles the experiences of ...

CREDIT: <a href="">thierry ehrmann</a> (<a href="">CC</a>)

JAN 8, 2014 Article

Secrets and Allies: UK and U.S. Government Reaction to the Snowden Leaks

Is Edward Snowden a whistleblower, a traitor, or a mixture of both? How should he and the media that published his leaks be treated? Journalist ...

JAN 7, 2014 Journal

Special Responsibilities: Global Problems and American Power by Mlada Bukovansky, Ian Clark, Robyn Eckersley, Richard Price, Christian Reus-Smit, and Nicholas Wheeler

Claims for "special responsibilities" are sometimes made to rally domestic support for some costly international action, or to exempt a great power from norms that ...

JAN 7, 2014 Journal

On Complicity and Compromise by Chiara Lepora and Robert E. Goodin

Humanitarian action is regularly accused of prolonging wars or colluding with vicious regimes. But the profession has been strangely tardy in developing its operational ethics.

JAN 7, 2014 Journal

Recovering International Relations: The Promise of Sustainable Critique by Daniel J. Levine

Daniel Levine’s goal is to “recover” IR’s original vocation, or calling, and to reinvigorate it via the idea of “sustainable critique”—a project ...

NATO Headquarters Meeting. CREDIT: U.S. Department of Defense, <a href="">Wikimedia Commons</a>

JAN 7, 2014 Article

The Future of Transatlantic Security Cooperation after 2014

2014 may be a turning point for transatlantic security cooperation. This paper identifies the three most relevant "drivers" in this regard: financial and resource constraints, a ...

JAN 6, 2014 Journal

The Touch of Midas: Money, Markets, and Morality

Money, like God, injects infinity into human desires. To love it is to embark on a journey without end. Three new books testify to money’...

JAN 6, 2014 Journal

On Rights to Land, Expulsions, and Corrective Justice

This article examines the nature of the wrongs that are inflicted on individuals and groups who have been expelled from the land that they previously ...

JAN 6, 2014 Journal

Sovereign Wealth Funds and Global Justice

Insofar as ethical debates have begun to touch on how the assets of sovereign wealth funds should be distributed, they have tended to ask how ...