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JAN 6, 2014 Journal

Why We Need a Just Rebellion Theory

Because these two influential streams of thought are in such tension with each other, our thinking about rebellion in the West tends to be piecemeal, ...

JAN 6, 2014 Journal

Christian Just War Reasoning and Two Cases of Rebellion: Ireland 1916–1921 and Syria 2011–Present

Christian just war reasoning is conservative in its recognition that peaceful order is basic to all other forms of human flourishing, and so should not ...

JAN 6, 2014 Journal

Muslim Discourse on Rebellion

Within Islamic thought, the judgments pertaining to rebels--known as ahkam al-bughat--constitute a subset of the larger category of “judgments pertaining to armed struggle,” or ahkam ...

JAN 6, 2014 Journal

Ad Fontes: The Question of Rebellion and Moral Tradition on the Use of Force

JAMES TURNER JOHNSON On the older conception, the sovereign could use force against behavior that he understood as endangering the order, justice, and peace of ...

JAN 6, 2014 Journal

A Perfect Moral Storm: The Ethical Tragedy of Climate Change by Stephen M. Gardiner

REVIEW BY PAUL WAPNER The challenges and complexities of the global, intergenerational, and theoretical tempests related to climate change conspire to create the perfect storm, ...

JAN 6, 2014 Journal

The Ethical Imperative of Curbing Corporate Tax Avoidance

If the future of human rights is dependent on the capacity of the state to fulfill them, then one must focus on how the private ...


DEC 19, 2013 Article

Ethics on Film: Discussion of "Dirty Wars"

"Dirty Wars" chronicles the undeclared shadow wars fought across the globe in the name of American national security--as well as the highly secretive agencies who ...

CREDIT: <a href="">Kevin Tsui</a> (<a href="">CC</a>)

DEC 16, 2013 Article

Jeffrey Sachs: Idealist or Extreme Pragmatist?

Nina Munk's book about economist Jeffrey Sachs portrays his defense of the global poor as an act of faithful idealism. She could not have it ...

"The American Way of Poverty" and "The Unwinding"

DEC 10, 2013 Article

Ill Fares the Invisible Hand

According to census data from 2012, there are 46.5 million Americans currently living in poverty. That is more than one in seven Americans, or roughly 15 percent of ...

DEC 5, 2013 Journal Online Exclusive

We Want to Hear from You! Take Our Readership Survey

We want to hear from you! Ethics & International Affairs is conducting a short survey to get a sense of how the journal is used within ...