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CREDIT: <a href="">Cup of Tea at Sunset</a> via Shutterstock

DEC 4, 2013 Article

A Sick Asian Man Goes to Multicultural Europe: A Tale of Modern Citizenship in Transition

A parable for our times? "As the debate over multiculturalism continues, the societies to which the adjective is applied change in complex ways, as I ...

CREDIT: DreamWorks Studios

DEC 3, 2013 Article

Ethics on Film: Discussion of "The Fifth Estate"

"The Fifth Estate" tells the story of Julian Assange and his Wikileaks organization. Since the story is still ongoing, was it too early to make ...

DEC 1, 2013 Journal

Winter 2013 (27.4)

This issue features an essay by David Scheffer on curbing corporate tax avoidance; a roundtable on the ethics of rebellion, with contributions from James Turner ...

NOV 27, 2013 Article

Minutes of Global Ethics Fellows Third Annual Conference, November 6-8, 2013

The Global Ethics Fellows (GEFs) and Ethics Fellows for the Future (EFFs) discussed the Council's Centennial themes: corruption and trust; environment and growth; citizenship and ...

NOV 26, 2013 Journal Online Exclusive

An Ethical Nuclear Posture for the 21st Century?

What is the appropriate role (and size) of a U.S. nuclear force that would make both strategic and ethical sense? The U.S. still ...

CREDIT: <a href="">Daniel Peckham</a> (<a href="">CC</a>).

NOV 25, 2013 Article

Policy Innovations Digital Magazine (2006-2016): Commentary: Poverty Is Never Just One Problem at a Time

Only a multidimensional approach can determine who is poor, how they are poor, and which deprivations they experience simultaneously. Indian policymakers need these details.

CREDIT: White House Press Office, <a href=",_White_House_photo_portrait,_looking_up.jpg">Wikimedia Commons</a>

NOV 21, 2013 Article

November 22, 1963. "John F. Kennedy Has Been Taken From Us."

"John F. Kennedy has been taken from us; there is an aching emptiness where there was once a bright presence. We are left now to ...

<a href="">Amman Skyline Silhouette</a> via Shutterstock

NOV 19, 2013 Article

Passionate Conviction and Inclusive Community

"Convictions matter. At least our own convictions--the affirmations, commitments, and practices that are central to our personal and social identity--matter to us. Yet because we ...

CREDIT: <a href="">UN Photo / Stuart Price</a> (<a href="">CC</a>).

NOV 18, 2013 Article

Policy Innovations Digital Magazine (2006-2016): Briefings: Innovating Aid

Neha Bhat talks with innovators in humanitarian and development aid about new and efficient solutions to the crises of our time.

CREDIT: <a href="">World Economic Forum</a> (<a href="">CC</a>).

NOV 15, 2013 Article

Policy Innovations Digital Magazine (2006-2016): Commentary: Multi-stakeholder Governance Seeks to Dislodge Multilateralism

Multi-stakeholder consultations have gained support as a framework for solving global problems, but are they a legitimate stand-in for the multilateral system?