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SEP 23, 2013 Article

Threats Beyond the Headlines

“The Fox knows many things, but the hedgehog knows one big thing.” So begins Isaiah Berlin’s essay, “The Hedgehog and Fox.” One year after ...

SEP 19, 2013 Journal Online Exclusive

What We're Reading: Ethics Around the Web

Here are a few links to interesting and relevant stories around the web on ethics, political theory, international affairs, and more.

Journalist Seymour Hersh at the Torture & Foreign Policy Seminar

SEP 17, 2013 Article

Update from the Carnegie Global Oregon Learning Community

The Carnegie Global Oregon Freshman Interest Group and learning community (CGO) is a pioneering effort that partners the University of Oregon with Carnegie Council to ...

Citadel of Aleppo, 2007. Damaged by shelling, 2012. CREDIT: <a href="">Watchsmart</a>,  (<a href="">CC</a>)

SEP 17, 2013 Article

The Fate of Cultural Property in Wartime: Why it Matters and What Should Be Done

Cultural property protection in conflict is often neglected as people argue that the lives of individuals in warzones are far more important than old buildings, ...

SEP 16, 2013 Journal Online Exclusive

Upcoming Conferences of Interest

These upcoming conferences may be of interest to our readers.

SEP 16, 2013 Journal

Just Business: Multinational Corporations and Human Rights by John Gerard Ruggie

This book offers an insider’s account of how the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights came into being. Although readers may sometimes strain ...

SEP 16, 2013 Journal

How We Count Hunger Matters

In 2010 the FAO reported that in the wake of the 2007–2008 food-price spikes and global economic crisis, the number of people experiencing hunger worldwide since 2005–2007 had ...

SEP 16, 2013 Journal

The Gordian Knot: Moral Debate and Nuclear Weapons

Nuclear weapons are not awe-inspiring, epochal, or war-winning, nor are they certain instruments of doom. They are clumsy, muscle-bound, expensive, unhandy weapons with little use ...

SEP 16, 2013 Journal

The Threat of Nuclear Proliferation: Perception and Reality

The United States is right to be vigilant against the threat of nuclear proliferation. But such vigilance can all too easily lend itself to exaggeration ...

SEP 16, 2013 Journal

The Nonproliferation Complex

In this essay, we trace the history of the rise of the nuclear nonproliferation complex during and immediately after the cold war. We show how ...