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SEP 16, 2013 Journal

The Human Right to Health by Jonathan Wolff

This book will provoke the reader to think about how to bring the public sector, civil society, industry, patents, health financing, and human resources together ...

SEP 16, 2013 Journal

Justice and Fairness in the Nuclear Nonproliferation Regime

This essay focuses on two key questions: First, how do the issues of justice and fairness affect the stability, durability, and effectiveness of the nuclear ...

SEP 16, 2013 Journal

Kant and the End of War: A Critique of Just War Theory by Howard Williams; and Kant and Cosmopolitanism: The Philosophical Ideal of World Citizenship by Pauline Kleingeld

These new books, by two of the foremost contemporary scholars of Kant’s political philosophy, deal extensively with the theme of international peace.

CREDIT: Life Preserver via <a href="">Shutterstock</a>

SEP 16, 2013 Article

A Lifeline for Peace in Syria--and for Obama

Why are we so reluctant to say the following? The overriding priority is to end the killing; defanging the Syrian chemical weapons complex will be ...

SEP 13, 2013 Journal

Hunger, Food Security, and the African Land Grab

Many global analysts predict that the biggest security threats in the twenty-first century may center on disputes over water and the food that Earth’s ...

U.S. Military Academy at West Point. CREDIT: <a href="/people/data/eddie_mandhry.html">Eddie Mandhry<a>

SEP 13, 2013 Article

Field Trip to West Point Military Academy

After touring the academy, Carnegie New Leaders were priveleged to have a lengthy discussion with Major Fishback over dinner. This conversation provided an invaluable opportunity ...

SEP 12, 2013 Journal

Nonproliferation: A Global Issue for a Global Ethic

This essay, focused on the continuing moral challenge of nuclear weapons, recalls the intellectual and moral lessons of the last century and identifies three leading ...

Fire in the Blood

SEP 7, 2013 Article

Ethics on Film: Discussion of "Fire in the Blood"

With the tagline "Medicine, Monopoly, Malice," this powerful documentary tells how Western drug companies fought to keep discounted AIDS medications from reaching HIV-positive citizens of ...

CREDIT: Minnesota Historical Society, <a href="">Wikimedia Commons</a>

SEP 6, 2013 Article

Living With Injustice: Lessons from 1963

This year marks the 50th anniversary of the writing of three seminal texts in 20th century philosophy. An examination of these texts--by King, Arendt, and ...

CREDIT: US Navy Naval History and Heritage Command, <a href="">Wikimedia Commons</a>

SEP 6, 2013 Article

Finding Our National Moral Compass on Syria

The U.S. received aid from other nations during its own Revolutionary War, and so despite all, "as America debates the pros and cons of ...