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JAN 20, 2023 Journal Online Exclusive

What We've Been Reading

Welcome to our roundup of news and current events related to ethics and international affairs! Here’s some of what we’ve been reading this ...

DEC 21, 2022 Journal Online Exclusive

EIA Winter 2022 Issue--Out Now!

The editors of Ethics & International Affairs are pleased to present the Winter 2022 issue of the journal! The issue looks at constitutional democracy, climate justice and ...

DEC 21, 2022 Journal

Fighting Machines: Autonomous Weapons and Human Dignity

In Fighting Machines, Dan Saxon draws on his extensive practical and academic experience and expertise in international law to argue why certain human responsibilities should ...

DEC 21, 2022 Journal

But Is It Good Enough? Jus ad Vim and the Danger of Perpetual War

This essay reflects on the divergent arguments about limited force made by Daniel R. Brunstetter and Samuel Moyn in their respective monographs.

DEC 21, 2022 Journal

Briefly Noted: The Pivotal Generation: Why We Have a Moral Responsibility to Slow Climate Change Right Now

Why is it our generation’s burden to take responsibility for the ravages of climate change? Do those in wealthier countries have a particular moral ...

DEC 21, 2022 Journal

Victory: The Triumph and Tragedy of Just War

The central claim of Cian O’Driscoll’s new book, Victory, is twofold: first, just war theorists have paid insufficient attention to the concept, practice, ...

DEC 21, 2022 Journal

Making War on the World: How Transnational Violence Reshapes Global Order

The insight that nonstate violence can reshape the global order and drive state transformation is at the heart of Mark Shirk’s new book, Making ...

Cathryn Costello, Cornelia Woll, Reem Alabali-Radovan, & Michael Doyle

DEC 15, 2022 Article

Revising MIMC: Finding Solutions to the Challenges of Today's Migration

On October 13-14, 2022, the Model International Mobility Convention (MIMC), Carnegie Council’s migration impact initiative, convened a workshop to find solutions to the most pressing ...

DEC 15, 2022 Article

Family Reunification: Domestic and Human Rights Regional Courts Perspective

Domestic and regional courts have a relevant role not only in applying international law but also in developing it. This paper aims to critically analyze ...

DEC 9, 2022 Journal Online Exclusive

What We've Been Reading

Welcome to our roundup of news and current events related to ethics and international affairs! Here’s some of what we’ve been reading this ...