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JUN 13, 2013 Journal Online Exclusive

A Response to Deen Chatterjee's "Building Common Ground"

Chatterjee’s contribution to this debate does not go beyond liberalism or whatever conundrums one associates with it; it remains within it.

Left: Devin Stewart and Michael Ignatieff, University of Buenos Aires, June 2013

JUN 12, 2013 Article

Global Ethical Dialogues: Concept Paper

How can Carnegie Council, an organization with a global mandate but based in New York, contribute to generating egalitarian dialogue within and between unequal societies? ...

CREDIT: <a href="">Presidency Maldives</a> (<a href="">CC</a>).

JUN 7, 2013 Article

Policy Innovations Digital Magazine (2006-2016): Briefings: Solar Trade Wars Threaten the Climate Fight

Can countries along the solar supply chain coordinate their domestic subsidies before a trade war erupts that would be bad for business and the environment?

CREDIT: Devin Stewart, Carnegie Council

JUN 5, 2013 Article

Mindsets May Hinder Progress in Myanmar

Great excitement surrounds the World Economic Forum meeting in Myanmar this week, an indication of the country's new openness. But while the media has highlighted ...

CREDIT: <a href="">Akshay Mahajan</a> (<a href="">CC</a>).

JUN 3, 2013 Article

Policy Innovations Digital Magazine (2006-2016): Commentary: What the World Bank Does Not Understand About "Doing Business"

The World Bank's research on Doing Business fails to focus on the obstacles that matter most to entrepreneurs in emerging markets.

MAY 31, 2013 Journal

Judging State-Sponsored Violence, Imagining Political Change by Bronwyn Leebaw

Leebaw argues that two competing frameworks have come to dominate the field of transitional justice. The first stresses the promotion of law, trials, and individual ...

MAY 31, 2013 Journal

The Image before the Weapon: A Critical History of the Distinction between Combatant and Civilian by Helen Kinsella

This book traces the concept of the civilian from medieval times through the colonial era and up to its eventual codification only a few decades ...

MAY 31, 2013 Journal

Sex & World Peace by Valerie M. Hudson, Bonnie Ballif-Spanvill, Mary Caprioli, and Chad F. Emmett

This book clearly and forcefully lays out the links between women’s security and international and domestic security.

MAY 31, 2013 Journal

Roundtable: Reflections on International Peace [Full Text]

FREE FOR A LIMITED TIME! Special Centennial Roundtable on international peace. Featuring David Hendrickson, Akira Iriye, Andrew Hurrell, and more.

MAY 31, 2013 Journal

Liberal Leviathan: The Origins, Crisis, and Transformation of the American World Order by G. John Ikenberry

REVIEW BY DANIEL DEUDNEY This book masterfully draws on history, advances international relations theory, and illuminates foreign policy choices.