Articles & Reports

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MAY 31, 2013 Journal

Building Common Ground: Going Beyond the Liberal Conundrum

To stay viable as a political ideology, liberalism needs to show that it can remain true to its universal norms while being responsive to cultural ...

MAY 31, 2013 Journal Online Exclusive

International Peace: One Hundred Years On

Americans have registered one set of lessons too well—those deriving from the seventy-five year war against German imperialism and Soviet communism. They have forgotten, ...

MAY 31, 2013 Journal

Peace as a Transnational Theme

To consider war and peace purely in the context of international relations is insufficient, even anachronistic. What we need is less an international than a ...

MAY 31, 2013 Journal

Concepts of Peace: From 1913 to the Present

The Great War and its imagery imprinted itself on the human imagination. In poetry and prose, photography, art, film, and other modes of expression, its ...

MAY 31, 2013 Journal

Viewing Peace Through Gender Lenses

Feminist theorizing of peace suggests a number of transformative observations. Feminist perspectives focus a critical lens on the meaning of peace, often making invisible violence ...

MAY 31, 2013 Journal

Briefly Noted

This section contains a round-up of recent notable books in the field of international affairs.

MAY 31, 2013 Journal

Power Transitions, Global Justice, and the Virtues of Pluralism

Today’s optimists stress the degree to which globalization appears much more firmly institutionalized than it was a hundred years ago, the rather striking success ...

MAY 31, 2013 Journal

A Response to Martti Koskenniemi’s Review of Humanity’s Law

In my book, I set out not to praise humanity law but to understand the phenomenon that Koskenniemi admits is real—that is, the ascendancy ...

<a href="">Sinister Signal - Fractal Design</a> via Shutterstock

MAY 24, 2013 Article

The U.S., China, and Cybersecurity: The Ethical Underpinnings of a Controversial Geopolitical Issue

Though commonly conceptualized as a strategic geopolitical issue, cybersecurity's underpinnings are comprised by a series of fundamental ethical considerations. Addressing these will provide a better ...

CREDIT: Julie Larsen Maher &copy; <a href="">WCS</a>.

MAY 17, 2013 Article

Policy Innovations Digital Magazine (2006-2016): Innovations: Using SMART Technology to Stop Wildlife Poachers

Several major wildlife organizations collaborated on a free, open-source Spatial Monitoring and Reporting Tool to help park rangers improve their anti-poaching patrols.