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MAY 13, 2013 Journal

The Arab Spring Two Years On: Reflections on Dignity, Democracy, and Devotion

The demise of long-standing dictators has shaken the foundations of authoritarianism in the Middle East and North Africa.

MAY 13, 2013 Journal

On Amartya Sen and The Idea of Justice [Full Text]

The Idea of Justice summarizes and extends many of the themes Amartya Sen has been engaged with for the last quarter century.

CREDIT: <a href="">andyteo99</a> (<a href=/zh_CN/publications/ethics_online/"">CC</a>)

MAY 9, 2013 Article

The World of Wal-Mart

With the deadly April 2013 collapse of the Rana Plaza building in Bangladesh, once again the spotlight is on multi-national companies like Wal-Mart, whose production is ...

<a href="">Russia against America</a> via Shutterstock

MAY 8, 2013 Article

After Boston: An Intelligence Blame Game with no Winner

Immediately after the Boston Marathon bombings there was a sadly predictable flurry of mutual recriminations between the intelligence services of the U.S. and Russia. ...

<a href="">Courtesy of Extraordinary Chambers <br>in the Courts of Cambodia</a>, <a href="">(CC)</a>

APR 23, 2013 Article

Exit, Voice, and Loyalty at the Khmer Rouge Tribunal: Should the International Community Stay or Go?

The Khmer Rouge Tribunal is in big trouble, much of it financial. But the financial deficit is the result of something  deeper: a responsibility deficit. ...

APR 15, 2013 Journal Online Exclusive

The Resource Curse and the Separation of Powers

The resource curse is a complex problem that affects a great many. It has rightly occupied an important place in debates about global justice. Creating ...

CREDIT:  <a href="">Wikimedia Commons</a>, multiple authors.

APR 11, 2013 Article

Years Later, Secular Student Group Recognized On A Religious Campus: Here's How It Happened

In order to be truly inclusive, interfaith dialogue and collaboration must also include those without faith.

The Undivided Past

APR 11, 2013 Article

Book Review: "The Undivided Past: Humanity Beyond Our Differences"

"The Undivided Past" aims to show that "the most resonant forms of human solidarity," as author David Cannadine elegantly puts it, are unstable and often ...

Anti-Morsy Graffiti.CREDIT: <a href="">Jonathan Rashad</a> (<a href=""">CC</a>)

APR 9, 2013 Article

Why Dictators Don't Like Jokes

Pro-democracy activists around the world are discovering that humor is one of the most powerful weapons in the fight against authoritarianism.

CREDIT: <a href="">U.S. Marine Corps</a> (<a href="">CC</a>).

APR 9, 2013 Article

Policy Innovations Digital Magazine (2006-2016): Commentary: Social Covenants Must Precede Social Contracts

Fragile states that do not first forge a social covenant will later find it difficult to codify justice in a social contract.