Articles & Reports

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China and Africa: A Century of Engagement

MAR 8, 2013 Article

Book Review: "China and Africa: A Century of Engagement"

Now more than ever, the world is influenced and affected by all things Chinese, especially its relationships with developing countries. And there is much to ...

MAR 5, 2013 Article

Drones: Legal, Ethical, and Wise?

The white paper released in February 2013 detailing the Obama administration’s policy on the use of drones for targeted killings has stirred plenty of controversy. ...

CREDIT: <a href="">Scottish Government</a>

FEB 25, 2013 Article

Scotland, Independence, and Internationalism

The debate over Scotland's future is one that not only has ramifications for Scotland and Britain, but for the rest of the world as well.

Joshua Chamberlain Thomas

FEB 21, 2013 Article

"The Greatest Ethical Challenge: To Speak" by Joshua Thomas

"...What have I learned? That silence is the greatest ethical challenge; that it is so much easier to stay silent, to say nothing, to fly ...

CREDIT: <a href="">United Nations Photo</a>, <a href="">(CC)</a>

FEB 21, 2013 Article

"Learning to Cooperate When We're Poles Apart" by Jacob Karlsson Lagerros

Climate change is not the world's greatest challenge. Neither is relentless fanaticism, global terrorism, or the international machine of capitalism grinding to a halt. Today's ...

Jae Woo Jang

FEB 21, 2013 Article

"Traffic Lights" by By Jae Woo Jang

At the age of 14, Sarina was tricked into becoming a sex slave--and there are hundreds of thousands of teenage girls just like her. What can ...

Anjana Aravind

FEB 21, 2013 Article

"Consumerism" by Anjana Aravind

"I live in a small town in India. People have a notion that consumerism is a "first-world" problem but it is not. Wherever you come ...

Juinn-Ren "Andrew" Wang

FEB 21, 2013 Article

"Population" by Juinn-Ren "Andrew" Wang

Our governments don't like to talk about population control because it is unpleasant; it is unethical to tell others how many or how few children ...

Xinle Su

FEB 21, 2013 Article

"The Responsibility of the Individual" by Xinle Su

"We urgently need a paradigm shift in how we view ourselves vis-Ă -vis global issues. There are innumerable issues and ethical challenges in each issue ...

Sandhya Bhat and Catherine Pushpam Joseph

FEB 21, 2013 Article

"Human Trafficking" by Sandhya Bhat and Catherine Pushpam Joseph

"There is no doubt we live in a world that specializes in creating broken people every day. We've reached a point where eradicating human trafficking ...