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Laura Rediehs

FEB 21, 2013 Article

"Economics Has Replaced Ethics" by Laura J. Rediehs

"The biggest ethical challenge facing us today is that we have let economics replace ethics as a guide to life, and in doing so, we ...

Madueke Nezie Michael-Francis

FEB 21, 2013 Article

"Terrorism" by Madueke Michael-Francis Nezie

Terrorism is like a virus. It cannot be said to be bound within certain political states or geographic boundaries. To end terror, extremism and its ...

CREDIT: <a href="">Chris Wieland</a>, <a href="">(CC)</a>

FEB 21, 2013 Article

"Exploitive Inequality" by John Dever

"Exploitive inequality is one of the fundamental ethical challenges that faces us today, and it vastly complicates any response to threats to peace, justice, and ...

Ilari Aula

FEB 21, 2013 Article

"Saving the World Is Indifferent, Acting for it Isn't" by Ilari Aula

"The greatest ethical challenge facing the planet is to discover how we ordinary people reach and maintain the motivation to change the world. It is ...

CREDIT: <a href="">Shutterstock</a>

FEB 21, 2013 Article

U.S.-Russian Juvenilia

"The action of the U.S. Congress in passing the Magnitsky Act and the reaction of Russian politicians that followed it remind me of school ...

FEB 14, 2013 Journal

The Missing Ethics of Mining [Full Text]

There are many mining industries, and each has its own culture, directives, structure, purpose, and pathologies.

FEB 14, 2013 Journal

Editors' Note [Full Text]

As we approach our second century, the Carnegie Council will remain the home for energetic, rigorous, and creative thinking on the ethics of war. In ...

FEB 14, 2013 Journal

Thinking Ethically about the Use of Force [Full Text]

BY CIAN O'DRISCOLL What does it mean to think ethically about the use of force? This beguilingly simple question is difficult to address.

FEB 14, 2013 Journal

Contemporary Just War Thinking: Which Is Worse, to Have Friends or Critics?

The increasingly widespread and energetic engagement with the idea of just war over the last fifty years of thinking on morality and armed conflict—especially ...

FEB 14, 2013 Journal

Divisions within the Ranks? The Just War Tradition and the Use and Abuse of History

Have the critics of the historical approach to just war theory landed it a knock-out blow, or can it withstand the bricks and bats that ...