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MAR 29, 2012 Journal

In Defense of Smart Sanctions: A Response to Joy Gordon

I argue that smart sanctions have been more of a pronounced success than Gordon claims. In addition, I address some of the flaws that she ...

MAR 29, 2012 Journal

After the MDGs: Citizen Deliberation and the Post-2015 Development Framework

For those concerned with and affected by global development and human deprivation, 2015 looms large, for this is the date by which the ambitious Millennium Development ...

MAR 29, 2012 Journal

Almost Saving Whales: The Ambiguity of Success at the International Whaling Commission [Full Text]

BY IAN HURD. The international regulation of whaling has been a tremendous success. Yet the international organization responsible for this success is in crisis.

USTR Ron Kirk congratulates Russia's Trade <br>Minister Elvira Nabiullina on Russia's WTO <br>accession in Geneva in 2011. <br>CREDIT: <a href="">US Mission Geneva</a>

MAR 29, 2012 Article

Russia Bulletin (2012): Russia Bulletin, Issue 5

Jackson-Vanik, enacted during the Cold War by the U.S. to restrict trade with the Soviet Union, remains on the books almost 40 years later. Will ...

MAR 27, 2012 Journal


The ICC is the product of gradual normative changes in world politics since World War II. Since the founding of the United Nations, traditional practices ...

Portside Watch. CREDIT: <a href="">Marines</a>

MAR 27, 2012 Article

Ethics and War in Homer's Iliad

Are the values we bring to war today really the same as they were back in the days of the warring Greeks and Trojans?  Or ...

MAR 27, 2012 Article

Ethics and War in Homer’s Iliad

When I was in 9th grade, confronting the Iliad for the first time, I had two questions. First, why is it so important that we ...

MAR 27, 2012 Journal

The International Criminal Court’s Provisional Authority to Coerce

Drawing on Immanuel Kant’s political theory, I outline two reasons the ICC’s coercive authority matters for its practical and political success. First, for ...

MAR 27, 2012 Journal

Why the International Criminal Court Must Pretend to Ignore Politics

While pretending that political factors are irrelevant may appear dishonest, and therefore unethical, forcing the court to pretend to rely on exclusively legal reasons for ...

MAR 27, 2012 Journal

The ICC’s Potential for Doing Bad When Pursuing Good

In this essay I outline three possible negative consequences that could, if they constitute preponderant outcomes, indicate that the court is failing to serve an ...