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Michael Bloomberg

SEP 27, 2011 Article

Sustainability Leader Michael Bloomberg

As part of our September Sustainability Month, the Carnegie Council honors Mayor Michael Bloomberg for his values-based vision and environmental leadership--both local and global.

CREDIT: <a href="" target="_blank">Sweetie 187 (CC)</a>

SEP 26, 2011 Article


What is the most important thing a person can do to have a sustainable impact? From consumer purchases to political action, how should we prioritize ...

CREDIT: Dennis Doyle, Carnegie Council

SEP 23, 2011 Article

European Security and Arms Control

Although Russia and the West are confronting each other on a number of issues, it is premature to write off their strategic partnership. The New ...

CREDIT: Dennis Doyle, Carnegie Council

SEP 23, 2011 Article

The Precarious State of Flux of the Conventional Armed Forces in Europe Treaty (CFE)

This paper's main predictive theoretical proposition is that, in fact, progress on conventional arms control in Europe will continue to move at a pace dictated ...

CREDIT: City of San Francisco.

SEP 16, 2011 Article

Policy Innovations Digital Magazine (2006-2016): Innovations: Happy Park(ing) Day 2011

Urban advocates, planners, officials, and artists join forces each September to install miniature parks and pop-up cafes in parking spaces normally reserved for cars.

CREDIT: <a href="" target=_blank>GlobalCitizen01</a>

SEP 15, 2011 Article

SUSTAINABILITY FORUM: The Population and Sustainability Debate

According to UN projections, our world will be home to more than 9 billion people by 2050, increasing competition for livable space and critical resources such as ...

CREDIT: Marlin Mine. &copy; 2011 Anna Fawcus/Oxfam America.

SEP 9, 2011 Article

Policy Innovations Digital Magazine (2006-2016): Commentary: Mining a Grave Concern in Guatemala's Election

Strong natural resource management is essential for a young democracy, yet Guatemala's human rights advocates face death threats after a failed presidential debate on mining.

CREDIT: <a href="" target=_blank">Garrett Ziegler</a>

SEP 7, 2011 Article

SUSTAINABILITY FORUM: What are the Limitations and Benefits of the Sustainability Approach?

Is sustainability the only, or even the most desirable framework for environmental issues? What are the limitations and benefits of the sustainability approach, and what ...

CREDIT: Dennis Doyle, Carnegie Council

SEP 6, 2011 Article

The Future of U.S.-Russian Relations

Can the United States and Russia finally put their zero-sum competition in Eurasia behind them so that they can concentrate on the common strategic challenges ...

CREDIT: Dennis Doyle, Carnegie Council

SEP 2, 2011 Article

Russia's High Ambitions and Ambivalent Activities in the Arctic

The Arctic is often seen as a no-mans-land where natural resources are up for grabs. In reality, international cooperation is working well and the regions's ...