Articles & Reports

Recent Articles

CREDIT: Dennis Doyle, Carnegie Council

SEP 1, 2011 Article

Cooling Things Down: The Legalization of Arctic Security

Many are concerned about possible struggles over Arctic territory and resources. Yet this paper argues that most Arctic sovereignty disputes have either been resolved or ...

AUG 31, 2011 Article

In Search of a Global Ethic

A hundred years ago Andrew Carnegie thought that world politics was about to change forever. War would be abolished. Just as private war in the ...

CREDIT: Dennis Doyle, Carnegie Council

AUG 31, 2011 Article

The Ethics of the Nuclear Security Summit Process

This paper examines the ethical questions around two intertwined 21st century issues: nuclear terrorism and the Nuclear Security Summit (NSS) process. Does the process take ...

CREDIT: Dennis Doyle, Carnegie Council

AUG 29, 2011 Article

The Soviet and U.S. Experiences in Military Intervention in Afghanistan and Current U.S.-Russian Cooperation

This paper examines the similarities and differences in the 1980s Soviet experience in Afghanistan and the current U.S.-led coalition effort, and the mutual ...

CREDIT: Dennis Doyle, Carnegie Council

AUG 29, 2011 Article

European/Eurasian Security and the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe (CFE)

What is the role of the CFE Treaty as part of contemporary European security architecture? How has it performed since its signing and what is ...

CREDIT: <a href="">Loozrboy</a> (<a href="">CC</a>).

AUG 25, 2011 Article

Don't Build Keystone XL, the Pipeline to Nowhere

Higher gas prices, negligible energy security, more global warming: The logic stacks up against the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline. Will Secretary Clinton deny the ...

CREDIT: Dennis Doyle, Carnegie Council

AUG 24, 2011 Article

Arms Control and Proliferation Challenges to the Reset Policy

The United States, Russia, and outside observers all agree on one thing: the fragility of the reset policy. This paper clarifies the reasons for this ...

CREDIT: <a href="" target=_blank">Bergius</a>

AUG 17, 2011 Article

Love and Legislation: The International Politics of Inter-country Adoption

In an era supposedly characterized by a desire for pluralism, multi-culturalism, and hybridity, the many dilemmas of inter-country adoption demonstrate how far we have come, ...

London riot police push rioters in Camden, August 2011. CREDIT: <a href="" target=_blank">Wikimedia</a>

AUG 16, 2011 Article

Reflections on the UK Riots: Let's Not Rush to Judgment

In the UK, the debate rages as to root causes of the August 2011 riots, and along predictable lines. But as is so often the case ...

AUG 12, 2011 Journal
