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AUG 12, 2011 Journal

Smart Sanctions Revisited

There are considerable difficulties with targeted sanctions. Some of these difficulties may be resolved as these measures continue to be refined. Others are rooted in ...

AUG 12, 2011 Journal

FALL 2011

This issue features a special roundtable on Libya and humanitarian intervention with contributions from Alex Bellamy, Simon Chesterman, James Pattison, Thomas Weiss, and Jennifer Welsh; ...

AUG 12, 2011 Journal

Is Humanitarian Intervention Legal?

The legality of humanitarian intervention is essentially indeterminate. No amount of debate over the law or recent cases will resolve its status; it is both ...

AUG 12, 2011 Journal

What Is Special About Human Rights?

AUG 12, 2011 Journal

Ending War

In "The Ethics of America's Afghan War," Richard W. Miller argues that reflecting on whether and how to end the war in Afghanistan exposes serious ...

AUG 12, 2011 Journal

Why Nations Fight by Richard Ned Lebow

AUG 12, 2011 Journal

RtoP Alive and Well after Libya