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JUN 30, 2011 Journal

The Ethics of America's Afghan War

JUN 30, 2011 Journal

Liberal Loyalty: Freedom, Obligation, and the State by Anna Stilz

In this highly engaging book, Anna Stilz seeks to offer a liberal solution to the problem of political obligations. As she points out, a liberal ...

JUN 30, 2011 Journal

Global Democratization: Soup, Society, or System?

John Dryzek identifis and compares three emerging ways of thinking about democracy in global politics—as a soup, a society, and a system.

JUN 30, 2011 Journal

Minding the Gap: Global Finance and Human Rights

JUN 30, 2011 Journal

Enabling Monsters: A Reply to Richard W. Miller

JUN 30, 2011 Journal

Proportionality in the Afghanistan War

JUN 30, 2011 Journal

Jus ex Bello in Afghanistan